Chapter two

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130 days before

"Oh." he said. our conversation soon turned into awkward silence.

He broke the silence by getting up and sitting on my bed so he was now facing me.

I was looking down in my lap playing with my fingers as he spoke.

"So Abby how old are you?" He asked

"15 today sadly." I told him as one tear escaped my eye and started to roll it's way down my cheek.

He wiped it off my cheek and lifted my chin so I was looking him in the eyes.

"Why sadly?" he asked. His spearmint breath sending chills down my spine.

"I have been in this hospital for 15 years, Hayes, 15. I have never set foot out side, ever. And let me say that my life is hell. These hospital rooms get very lonely after a while. You try to keep making friends but they just soon die off. I don't speak to anyone any more fearing i may lose someone else. I don't want to be that friend that just dies off, Hayes. I want to go out and see the world, but I have no one to take me. My parents left me. I...I have no one." I cried.

He pulled me into his lap and rubbed my back. I leaned my head on his shoulder. He wiped my tears away.

"I'll be that friend Abby. I'll show you the world. I'll take you everywhere you want to go. I know we just met, but I want to see you happy." he said and smiled.

"Thanks, but you don't have to promise anything. I'm just a side effect." I told him. "How old are you?"

"16 in about a week or so." he frowned.

"I know how hard it is to spend your birthday in the hospital trust me, but I will tell you one thing..." I said

"What?" he asked

"If you make my 15th birthday one to remember i'll make your 16th even better!" I said and got off his lap.

"Deal?" I asked

"Deal." he smiled

"Hayes what are you doing out of bed you need rest. Who is your friend over here." a boy a little taller than Hayes said. His eyes were as blue as Hayes'.

"I know, I know. but I couldn't help it, Nash." he said looking at me then back at the other boy who I'm guessing is Nash.

He covered part of his mouth and whispered/yelled...
"There is a really beautiful girl in the room. An I think I like her." Nash and I laughed at Hayes.

"Im Abby." I said holding my hand out for Nash to shake it.

"I'm Nash, Hayes' older, hotter, more athletic brother." he smirked

"Oh really I don't see you in the hospital with a concussion from football do I. And I also don't see you making really hot girls blush." he said the last part looking at me which made me blush.

" Ya ok fine." Nash said sitting on Hayes empty hospital bed.

"So I'm guessing you guys are from North Cali right?" I said.

"Yup!" Nash and Hayes said in unison.

"Since you both are pretty cute I'm guessing you both have girlfriends too." I said

Nash laughed
"Nah I'm a loner." he said making us all laugh.

"And you?" I asked looking at Hayes.

"No but I'm working on it!" he smirked.

"Oh really now." someone else said

A women with dark black hair and a slight country accent was standing by the door holding hands with a child that looked about 5 or so with blond hair.

"Hey mom!" Hayes said getting off of my hospital bed and going to hug the women.

"Hi Hayes. Are you feeling and better?" she asked him.

"Ya I guess so I mean well Abby is taking my mind off things." he said smiling at me. Man his smile was cute.

The women walked over to my bed and shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you Abby, I'm Ms.Floyd but you can call me Elisabeth."

"Hi." I said smiling at her.

Her and Nash walked over to Hayes to talk. The little girl that Elisabeth was holding hands with before walked over to me and sat down in my lap.

"Hi Abby I'm Skylynn. Nash an Hayes' sister." she smiled

"Hi Skylynn. since everyone else is talking do you want to come with me to the play room and have a tea party?" I asked

"Sure I would be delighted to." she said in a very cute accent. I picked her up and put her on my hip. I wheeled my IV stand with me and we went to the play room.

After about 20mins of tea party fun Sky, Nash, and Elisabeth had to leave because visiting hours were over.

Sam came back to give me my meds and Hayes his pain killers. She soon left and shut the door.

I wasn't tired. All I could think about was Hayes and his big blue eyes, his smile, and his nice family.

"You asleep?" He asked me.


I turned over to see him patting a empty spot on his bed. I took my IV stand with me and laid down.

"I have Netflix." he told me

"I love how I have barely even known you for one day and you already know me so well."

He took his phone off on his bed side table and unlocked it. He turned on his data and touched the Netflix app. Soon enough I picked out a movie and we both started watching it.

"Are you comfortable?" he asked me as I struggled to find a good spot to stay and watch the movie in.

"Nah."i said

He rapped his arm around me and pulled me close to him. I put my hand on his chest and my head on his shoulder.

"Better?" he asked.

I nodded.

About half way through the movie I felt my self drifting to sleep.

The last thing I remember is Hayes kissing my fore head and saying good night before I fell asleep in his arms.


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