Chapter Eleven

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"Ok then. How about we all meet back here at about5?" I said

"Sure!" Maggie said and they all went their separate ways.



"So were do you wanna go princess?" Hayes said holding both of my hands looking into my eyes.

"Heard that they have a sea world! I wanna see the wheals and dolphins!" I said

"Ok but after can we see the white tigers?" he asked me with puppy dog eyes

"Of course. We have 4 hours we can do what ever we want." I replied

Hayes let go of one of my hands, still holding onto the other, and started to walk toward Sea world.

When we got there we had to go through a tunnel. The tunnel had glass to shield us from the water and fish. Fish were swimming over our heads.

We were like the only people in the tunnel, so I thought, and Hayes grabbed my waist, pulled me close and kissed me. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him back. After about a minute I heard noises and camera clicks. Hayes broke away from the kiss really fast and grabbed my hand.

"Hurry we gotta go. Cover your face." he whispered to me.

I tried to cover my face as we ran the through the tunnel into sea world. Hayes stopped and looked around then kept running until he found a storage closet and brought us in there.
He closed the door and locked it.

The closet was small, but big enough for the two of us to fit. He lifted my chin for him to see me and leaned his forehead on mine.

"I'm sorry I didn't want this to happen." he said holding both of my hand tighter

"I'm sorry but I'm confused what's wrong? I said

"Fans. There everywhere and may have taken a picture of us kissing and I just don't want you to get hate." he said with a hurt look in his eye.

"Hayes, it's ok I have more weight on my shoulders than anyone I know. Girls who are typing words on a screen in order to hurt me won't do anything. I'm strong. And I love you!" I said and took his face into my hands and kissed him.

Hayes slightly opened the door to see if anyone was there.

"We're clear." he said making me laugh.

We walked out hand-in-hand.


"Okay....I DONT KNOW HER!" He yelled making a lot of people stare at both of us like we were crazy.

We both looked at each other and laughed.

"Lets go see the show!" Hayes said pointing towards the "Dolphins Show" sign.

We both sat down in the splash zone.
We both talked until the show started.
After about ten minutes we were soaked so we decided to leave.

"White tigers here we come." Hayes said with biggest smile on his face.

"Calm down. We kinda look like wet meat don't you wanna dry off first?" I said knowing the answer would be no.

"Pleassssseeee....." he said begging me

"Only if you give me a piggy back ride there." I said

"But...but....its all the way at the other side of the park." he said

"Ok you can give me a piggy back ride for half the way."

"Okay babe." he said and lifted me up on his back.





I turned around to see so many girls running towards us screaming.

"Is this the hate you were talking about?" I laughed

"Yup." he answered

"WELL AT LEAST I HAVE A NICE ASS!" I said to the girls making Hayes laugh

"I'm gonna just take a few pictures with them is that ok?" he asked me as I got of his back.

"Ya sure." I smiled

After about 40mins he had only two girls left

"Who is she?" one of the girls asked him

" A really really good friend of mine." He smiled

"Could we have a picture with her too then?" the other girl said

Hayes looked at me as if asking the same thing.

"Sure!" I said with a smile

"What's your name?" they both said

"Abby" I said

"Hi I'm Lisa. This is kat." one of the girls said

I hugged both of the girls and so did Hayes.

They both took a photo with Hayes first, then one with me, then one with the both of us. We said goodbye and walked towards the tigers.

At around 4:50 we started walking to the front gate and met everyone there. when we got to Cams truck everyone sat where they were before except Maggie was sitting where Matt was and Matt was sitting between Hayes and I.

"So are you two dating?" Matt whispered to Hayes and I.

"I'm not sure?" i said

"Hayes u better make it official be for I call her mine." Nash shouted from the front of the truck

I just sat there not knowing what to do and turned on my phone.

I passed my phone to Matt then Carter, Maggie, And Nash to put all of their numbers in it and Nash put Cam's in there too since Cameron was driving.

When we got to the house I went up to Hayes and I's guest room because I had my bag there.

We told Samantha that Hayes and I would be spending three nights over at his brothers house and she said that it was fine.

I took out my hot pink bikini and hot pink ray bans. I went into the washroom and changed into it.

When I got down stairs every one was already changed and we hoped into their pool.

We all played Chicken and pool volley ball.

When the sun started to set we all got into the hot tub.

"Hey do you guys wanna play...

Hey everyone! k so I'm sooooo sry tht I haven't rly updated ANY of my stories lately.
First of all I use an IPod4 to write my stories and it gilches all of the time.
And I'm only updating chapters that I have saved. so like I had a lot of chapters save for my book 'My Angel' and 'Ashley Espinosa' but not tht many for 'I Thought You Were The One' so thts y I haven't been updating tht book tht much.
I am now using my new IPhone 6 to write story's so I should be able to update more often.

Sry for the late updates😔 ily💋

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