Chapter Sixteen

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They all greet us and Hayes doesn't make eye contact with me.

Fine be that way I say to my self and sit down beside Cam and Matt.

I smile. Two can play at this game.


112days before


"Did u decide to go to the twenty-four hour hair salon." Matt laughs looking at me turning in his lawn chair.

We were sat in lawn chairs in front of the pool.

I laugh at his comment and look at my hair colour.

"It's a wig...I wanted to try to see if the colour would look good on me" I lied

"Your hot with black hair, but I bet u I'd look hotter in it." He said making me blush and laugh. So I basically looked like a tomato with the laugh of a goat that got ran over by a tractor.

I hear someone else laughing. I turn around to see Hayes laughing at me.

"Geez do you know how bad you sound?" He laughed while Hailey joined in.

Hailey was tanning on a beach towel beside the pool.

I see her get up from her position to flip over and sees me sitting on a lawn chair. She waves me over to her with a genuine smile. I walk over in confusion.

"Come sit down! I don't bite." She laughs

She moved her hand signalling me to move down closer to her.

"If I see you touch, talk to, or even look at any of the Grier brothers your hair won't be the only thing that's missing." She fake smiles.

I look at her in shock only Hayes and Cameron know about my hair. I get up and walk back over to Cameron and Matt. Right as I was about to sit down I felt something come up my throat. I look around and see a bush, but Hayes was standing in the way. I run towards Hayes and push him out of the way and hear a splash I internally laugh and lean over the bush.

As I finish puking I hear Matts contagious laugh. I clean myself up and turn around to see an angry Hayes. I feel so sick I couldn't even laugh.

I run inside and feel like someone was following me.

I ran upstairs and threw my wig off of my head. I got my makeup bag out from my suitcase and took out my pills I went into the bathroom and took a glass from the counter and turned on the faucet. I filled the glass all the way with cold water, closed the faucet, and placed the glass on the vanity. I opened my pill Bottle and took out one and popped it in my mouth. I took the glass in my hand and put it up to my mouth. I drank half of the water and put the glass on the counter.

"You ok?" I jump at the sound of a male voice.

I turn to see Cam in the door way.

I run over to him and rap my arms around him.

"Cam, I don't wanna go down stairs." I tell him my eyes filled with tears. His eyes aren't looking at me. He is looking out the window.

I unrap my arms from him and walk over to the window since I'm to short to look out it from where I was standing.

"Abby I don't think you should do that-" Cam started to say but I had already gotten to the window.

I look out to see Hailey sitting on top of Hayes kissing him...and him kissing back.

I run back to the bathroom and lock the door. Look back in my pill bag and see pain killers. I read the warning sign on the front: do not take pain killers with any other medicinal product. If you do please call 911 this may result in severe illnesses and could cause death.

I roll my eyes and pour four in my hand. I pop them in my mouth and take the water that was left in the glass and drink it all.

I don't instantly feel better so I decide to take a bath. I hear cam banging on the door but I ignore him. I take off my clothes and stare at my self in the mirror. I don't think much of my body and start to run the water. I take out my blueberry bath bomb and put it in the water. I get into the tub and feel more relaxed. I tilt my head back and hear the door handle jiggle...

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