Chapter eight

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Recap: "Happy birthday baby!" She said

Geeeezz I love her.

"Thanks babe!"


115 days before


"Abbs. Babe. Wake up." Hayes whispered

"Come on we gotta go!"

Today was the hospital field trip, but more like a vacation. The whole kids department goes on a field trip once a month. I normally don't go, but hayes insisted. Today we leave to go to L.A for three weeks and Hayes wants to go and have fun.

"Can you carry me?" I asked

All of or pills, clothes, electronics, hair products, shampoos, and my makeup were already packed into the big coach bus.

"Finnnnneee." he said making me laugh. He carried me down stairs bridal style and we got into the bus.

"Lets sit in the BACK!!!" I said

"Sure thing princess." he said

We sat down beside each other on our phones. I was still really tired so I turned off my phone and leaned my head on Hayes' shoulder. He turned off his phone too and rapped his arms around me. I snuggled into his chest and fell fast asleep.


"Were here Abby wake up!!!!" Hayes said sitting on me shaking my shoulders.

"asdfghjkl..." I responded half asleep.

"You know what..." he said

"Whjaty..HAYES WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" I yelled

Hayes picked me up and swung me over his shoulder, ran out of the bus, took our bags, and went towards Sam.

"Hey Guys here's you hotel room number and key. I will be in room 446 two floors below you. Since your both old enough here is you own itinerary sheet. You can do what ever you want here so have fun!" Sam told us

"Tyganks.." I said

Hayes let me down and took all of our bags with him. I followed. We walked into the lobby of the hotel and went to the elevator to our room.

"Here we are room 658." he said as he opened the door, threw our bags down and ran to his bed.

"Ugh it smells like someone forgot to shower and just sprayed a ton of perfume everywhere." I said bouncing down on his bed.

"Come on it smells fine." he said making me laugh "its about 11:30 so we should go to sleep and then you can see what I have planed for you tomorrow!"

I got up to go brush my teeth and change into something comfy. I changed into my large NHL© hoddie and just my underwear. After words I sat down on my bed and fell fast asleep..until....



"I'm lonely, can you come cuddle with me?"


I got up off my bed and went over to cuddle with Hayes. I sat down and went under the sheets. His soft hands traveled to my waist and squeezed. I put my hand on his chest and started to rube circles on his abs.

"Goodnight Abbs."

"Goodnight Hayes."

"I love you" he said reaching down to kiss me.

"I love you too." I said and our lips connected for a second then broke apart. I lay there in his arms taking in his embrace. I soon fell asleep with the taste of spearmint in my mouth.



Abby walked out of the bath room with only a hoddie and her underwear on. Zayum!

She got into her bed and fell asleep. I wanted her lips so badly. I told her to come over and she walked up to my bed and laid down.

I put my hands on her waist and hugged her. She put her hand on my chest and with the other started to draw circles on my abs. She's so hot.

I said goodnight to her and kissed her. I can't wait for her to see what I have planed for tomorrow.

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