Chapter Seventeen

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I run back to the bathroom and lock the door. Look back in my pill bag and see pain killers. I read the warning sign on the front: do not take pain killers with any other medicinal product. If you do please call 911 this may result in severe illnesses and could cause death.

I roll my eyes and pour four in my hand. I pop them in my mouth and take the water that was left in the glass and drink it all.

I don't instantly feel better so I decide to take a bath. I hear cam banging on the door but I ignore him. I take off my clothes and stare at my self in the mirror. I don't think much of my body and start to run the water. I take out my blueberry bath bomb and put it in the water. I get into the tub and feel more relaxed. I tilt my head back and hear the door handle jiggle...

112days before

...Matt walked through the door and turned around coving his eyes. I laughed.

He looked around the sink and threw towel at me. It hit my head making my wig, that was tied into a bun, fall into the water.

"Shit..." I whispered

"Um I came here since Hayes wanted to tell you something." He said and I felt a pang in my chest.

"Whattt diiid he wannaa sayyy" I slurred as all over the drugs started to kicking at once.

I stood up from the bath and grabbed my soaking wet wig. I rapped the towel around me and stumbled as I walked out of the bath tub.

"Can I turn around?" He asked

"Only if you promise not to tel anyone what I'm about to show you." I said thinking about my head.

"I promise." He said and turned around.

He stood there for a second in shock. He engulfed me in a hug. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I don't know what he wanted to say he just told me to tel you that once you were done up here to find him downstairs." He said pulling away from the hug.

I looked at him with tears in my eyes.

He kissed my check making butterflies fly in my chest. " if you need anything I'm right across the hall." he smiled.

I felt a pain in my chest. I must be guilt. I shouldn't feel guilt if Hayes is snogging someone else, I should be able to. Ugh. That's not me though. I'm loyal. I hope Matt only kissed me to comfort me.

I got dressed in my roots sweatpants and NHL hoodie. I put on my brown haired wig and took off my make up.

I walked out of the washroom and to the stairs. I walked down them to see Hayes on the couch watching tv with his arm around Hailey.

"You wanted to talk to me? I said walking In front of the tv. They both jumped up and Hailey scoffed.

"Ya I did.." Hayes said softly "I'll be right back." He said to her and lead me into our room upstairs.

"Um I was just wondering if you wouldn't mind packing your things and going to someone else's room." He said looking down.

"Wha-" I was cut of by him speaking "Also when the hospital children leave you can go without me." He said. He had no emotion in his voice. I felt me anger growing.

"So you just change completely after I have my hair shaved. Do you know who hard it is to cope. I'm dieing, Hayes. All I wanted was someone who would be there for me. I have no family and Samatha has her own." I say walking over to the bed and sitting on it. I start to laugh "I'm so stupid thinking that I could of had a family. For 16 years I didn't why start now." I say putting my head in my hands.

He sat down beside me and put his arm around me. I lean my head on his shoulder forgetting everything that had happened before. I start to shake uncontrollably.

"Abby? Abby? What's going on?" Hayes said standing up. I started to stare I couldn't blink at all. "GUY CALL AN AMBULANCE ABBYS HURT." I could feel my self being elevated. I soon drifted to sleep.


Abby started to shake while she was beside me. I didn't know what was going on.

"Abby? Abby? What's going on?" I said jumping up. She kept shaking and I picked her up screaming for help. Matt walked out of his room and so did Cam. Carter was out with Maggie somewhere and Nash went to the gym. They looked at her.

"Matt can you call this number..." I said taking out my phone looking for Sam's contact. He dialled the number and took Abby out of my arms. He handed me the phone.

*on the call*
(S=Sam H=Hayes)
S: Hello?
H: Sam, we need you can you meet us at the hospital right across from your hotel.
S: I'm on my way
*Call ends*

We all run down stairs.
"Hailey lets go we need to drive Abby to the hospital." I said. She laughed. May and Cameron were already out the door.

"Come on we need to go." I said holding the door she walked to wards me. I guess she took a shower since she is wearing a robe. She walked over to me and shut the door.

"Are you sure you want to go? I'm not wearing anything under my robe. I was thinking I could dance for you." She smirked. I smiled, but then snapped my self out of it. I realized I only like her because she was a model and did things I knew Abby wouldn't with me. She's a whore. Cam honked his car horn.

"I need to go." I said as I reached the door. "And pack up your stuff. Your leaving when we get back." I said.

"But Hayesie..." She said

"Bye Hailey." I said and ran to Cams car parked at the end of the driveway.
I got in to the passengers side and cam sped off.

We arrived at the emergency part and mat ran up to the desk with Abby. Sam was across the hall and ran over to Abby and moved the hair from her wig from her face. Matt placed her on a gurney and some nurses wheeled her off as Sam followed behind.

I sat down in a waiting room chair and slumped forward. I put my head in my hands. Cameron sat down beside me.

"I fucked up man." I said.

"You did." He said turning the other way.

"I was just think about my self. She needed me and now I don't know what to do. She's never gonna forgive me. Plus Matt has been a better guy than I have." I sighed

"Dude." He said turning to me. "You basically showed her things she wouldn't have been able to see with out you. She's probably the happiest, or was, she had ever been. She can't stay mad at you forever. Just tell her how you feel now. Go." He said pushing me.

I stood up and walked down the hall they made Abby go through. I saw many sick people on stretchers, some people were crying because of their loved ones and some laughing remembering their loved ones. I shook it off and saw Sam leaning against the doorway talking to Matt and tapping her foot impatiently. I walked closer and she turned around.

"You." She said angrily

"I can explain-" I said pleading

"Explain what? You could of killed her." She said pointing to the room Abby was probably in.

"What do you mean?" I said very confused.

"She took pain killers to make her feel better because you were being a jerk." Matt said and pushed my shoulder.

What? I did what? I can't believe that she would do that.

"Leave now, Hayes. Your not wanted here." Matt said.

I wasn't going to leave.

"I messed up. I know. I just wanna make it up to her." I said

Sam gave me a look of 'I'm sorry'.

"You can talk to her when she is better, but I don't think you should see her for a few weeks. You are not the first person she want to see." Sam said and I turned around and walked to wards Cam in the waiting room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2016 ⏰

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