Chapter twelve

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When the sun started to set we all got into the hot tub.

"Hey do you guys wanna play...


114 days before


...truth or dare?" Cam asked.

To be honest I did not want to play.

"K well who's going first?" Nash asked fixing his position in the hot tub.

No one said anything.

"Okay well Abby truth or dare?" Nash said looking at me.

"Uh truth." I said uneasily

"Do you like anyone here other than Hayes. If so who." Nash smirked.

Hayes say up in his seat.

"No." I said. I wasn't lying. I mean I love the guys their so nice but I love Hayes and only Hayes.

Hayes relaxed in his seat again as if showing relief and I laughed.

We kept playing until it was Matts turn to ask someone something.

"Hayes truth or dare?" Matt asked

"Dare." He said confidently.

"I dare you to go knock on the neighbours door and ask for some food." He laughed.

Nash and Cam gave each other a unhappy look.

Hayes got up out of the hot tub and headed towards the gate as we followed.

Matt gave Hayes a thumbs up before he knocked on the door.

Two teenage girls opened the door.

" you have any food?" Hayes said with a straight face as the rest of us giggled behind a bush near the house.

The two girls looked confused and looked at each other and smirked.

"Sure we have food. Come on in." One girl said stepping aside for Hayes to go inside. He looked back at us worried.

Matt looked at me and pushed me. I tumbled out of the bush out onto the drive way.

The girls were startled and so was Hayes.

I got up and brushed my self off making sure to flip of Matt as I fixed my bikini.

The other girl pushed Hayes back. And slammed the door.

"What just happened." Hayes and I said in unison and laughed.

Everyone got out of the bush and laughed.

We returned back to Nash and Cams backyard and got our towels and went inside.

While I was doing my hair with a towel I went to comb it with my hand when a bunch came off onto my hand.

I froze I slowly rapped the hair in the towel and acted like nothing has happened I have to tell Hayes. This isn't good.

I NEVER UPDATE UGHHHH. Pls if anyone wants me to update just message me what book. Ily😘😘


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