Chapter 2

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Jay woke up to a shout. He smiled, assuming his plan with the pills had worked.

He ran out with the others to Kai's room.

Kai was on an opposite wall looking freaked out, while Lloyd was trying to talk to him.

"Get away! Who are you? Where's Nya?" Kai yelled.

"Kai calm down. What're you saying?" Lloyd said.

"I don't live here!" Kai shouted.

Nya pushed in front of the boys and went to her brother.

She grabbed his shoulders. "Kai. Calm down."

Kai wrapped his arms around his sister desperately. "Thank goodness it's you! I'm so freaked out! I woke up in this bed next to him. Where are we?"

"Kai. We're at home. Did you hit your head?" Nya asked.

"No. Not that I remember."

Zane walked up to the siblings carefully. "Kai. What's the last thing you remember?"

"I remember closing up the blacksmiths shop with Nya before heading to bed."

Everyone looked at each other in shock, Jay in mock surprise.

"Are you saying, that Kai has lost all of his memories?" Cole asked.

"Apparently so. Though I do not know what did or could have caused this sudden memory loss." Zane said.

"Well what do we do now? I mean, we'll be down a team member. And we don't know when or how to get his memories back." Jay said.

"Right now, I think it's best that Nya stays with Kai. I'll try to figure out how to get his memories back. Try not to push him or stress him out." Zane said.

The others nodded. Cole took a distressed looking Lloyd out of the room while Zane talked to Nya and Kai. Jay headed to tell Misako and Sensei Wu about what was going on.


"Nya. I'm still freaked out. What's going on. A-and where are we?" Kai asked.

Nya looked at her brother. "Kai. We've lived here for a while. Your memory has seemed to be erased." She pointed at Zane. "This is our friend Zane."

Kai gave a smile and a wave. "Sorry if I don't, jump to shake your hand."

"It's quite alright Kai. I know memory loss can cause quite the shock in someone." Zane said.

"You've lost your memory?" Kai asked.

"More just mild amnesia." Zane said. "Nya, did we have anything for dinner last night that could have had memory pills in it?"

Nya shook her head. "We had some punch yesterday, but the rest of us weren't affected."

"Hm. It could have been inhaled. Until we figure this out, Nya, stay with Kai. And Kai, try not to leave the temple." Zane said.


Cole sat with an upset Lloyd in Lloyd's green room. The green ninja was almost in tears, and Cole tried to calm him down.

"Oh please tell me this is a fever dream! This can't happen! Things were going good." Lloyd ranted.

Cole rubbed Lloyd's back. "Hey it's going to be alright. We can figure this out."

"We got together, got Jay back, told you guys. Things were going so great." Tears started streaming down Lloyd's face. "N-now this happens. He d-doesn't remember me."

Cole hugged Lloyd tightly as Lloyd cried into his shoulder. "It's going to be alright. We'll get his memories back. I promise you we will."

"You have to Cole. You just have to."


Short. Hopefully I can figure out the next chapter. Enjoy some angst and sadness in the meantime. Bye!

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