Chapter 4

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The next day went without a hitch, besides Lloyd avoiding everyone but Cole.

Which is why nobody was expecting the shout to come from Kai's room.

"Nya! Oh goodness! Nya!"

The others rushed to Kai's room. Nya got there first, worried about why her brother was yelling.

"Kai! What's wrong?" Nya asked, reaching her brother.

"W-where are we! What are we doing here? Who are they?" Kai yelled.

"Kai. What do you mean?" Nya asked.

"I-I-I don't remember going to bed here!"

"What do you mean? Kai, you've slept here the past two nights while we tried to get your memories back."

"I d-don't remember that..."

Everyone looked at each other in shock. There was movement of footsteps, and everyone turned to see Lloyd run back down the hall.

"Lloyd!" Cole called. He sighed. "I'll go check on him." He ran out the door, leaving Zane and Jay with Nya and a confused Kai.

"So he lost his memory again?" Jay asked.

"It seems so. We need to get down to the bottom of this." Zane said.

"What could be causing this?" Nya asked. "Could this keep happening?"

"It depends on what's causing it." Zane thought for a minute.

"Any ideas?" Nya asked.

Zane turned to Jay. "Jay, what about your old group? The one you joined when you went rouge?"

Jay went tense inside. "They have access to a lot of things, but I doubt they even had anything that could do this." He prayed that they wouldn't ask any more of very few questions.

"Huh. Do you know where they are? You're the only one who was at their base." Nya asked.

Jay's mind raced, looking for an excuse. "I don't know where they are." He said. "They said they were going to relocate to another base when I was turned over."


Jay relaxed a bit. That had been too close. If they figured him out, he'd be in lots of trouble.

"Excuse me! Can someone explain, please?" Kai asked.

They turned to Kai to explain everything going on to him.


Cole raced down the hall to Lloyd's bedroom. He reached the door and tried the knob but it was locked. He tried to listen through the door, and heard Lloyd's soft cries.

"Lloyd? Hey. Unlock the door please bud?" He didn't hear any movement from the other side. "It's, okay if you don't want to."

He sat outside the door. "I understand that this is hard for you. I can't imagine what it's like."

There was a shuffling on the other side of the door, and Lloyd sat down in front of the door.

"It feels like a landslide crushing me with two layers." Lloyd's quiet voice spoke.

"You know this probably wasn't an accident. He'll probably lose his memory again."

A sob escaped from Lloyd. Cole was right. It was the start of a pattern.

"Y-you don't think t-that we can get them b-back?" Lloyd asked.

"There could be a way Lloyd. But I personally don't know how possible it is."

Lloyd was quiet on the other side of the door. There was the click of the door unlocking. Cole stood up and opened the door.

He was suddenly being embraced by Lloyd. Cole wrapped his arms around Lloyd. "It's alright Lloyd. It'll be okay."

Fun fact. I push my hate, anger, and resentment on Jay, my Emotional problems and abandonment issues on Lloyd. And Cole is technically me pushing the causes of my problems. He stands for what makes me mad and hate myself, but also for what comforts me-

Anyways- A new chapter this soon!? What!? I know right! I'm getting back into writing again!

Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to leave a vote! (Because there's 112 reads, 4 chapters, and 0 votes!) Thanks guys!

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