Chapter 1

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Jay climbed up the wall of the hospital. He got to the top and was greeted by a female and a male. The female came up and hugged Jay.

"Hey baby." Addison said, kissing him

"Hey." Jay said, kissing her back.

Logan came up and patted Jay on the back. "How are things going?"

"Things are fine. They've been treating me kindly the first few days. But it's worn thin. In a few more days, they'll be back to not caring." Jay said.

"Have any plans?" Logan asked.

Jay smirked and held up a bottle. "Well, our little green ninja just got himself a boyfriend."

"What's in the bottle?"

"Oh, just a few memory pills for Kai. Maybe some forgetfulness will cause some problems." Jay smirked.

Logan chuckles. "That's a good start. You should get back in case they notice you're missing."

Jay nods. "Alright." He turns to Addison. "I'll see you next time." He kisses her.

"Be safe. Don't get caught." Addison said.

"Same to you. If I have to break you guys out of jail, it could put me in jeopardy." Jay said.

Addison nodded, they set up the next meeting point, and Jay turned around and headed back to the temple.


The day wasn't anything special. Another break-in at a store, catching a few criminals, and some small missions. Luckily for Jay, they weren't anybody he knew. Night was approaching, but first, it was time for dinner.

The ninja sat at the table. Zane had made dinner. Pasta with a tasty sauce. Perfectly flavored and spiced.

"Anyone want some drinks?" Jay asked.

Everyone nodded and muttered a thanks. Jay gave an internal growl. Just a day after he met with Logan, they were back to treating him like a side character to their perfect lives.

He poured everyone some punch, before handing it to everyone, slipping two pills into Kai's.

Dinner went without any problems. Nobody suspected a thing. Kai drank every last drop, nobody brought anything up, and everything was as calm as it could be.

Jay sat on his bed. The ninja had removed all the junk that was put there after he went AWOL. Those boxes had saved both him and Logan, shortly after he was brought back.

Logan had tried to sneak in to talk to Jay, when one of the ninja came in. Had the boxes not been there, Logan would have been caught, and Jay's cover blown before anything could happen.

Turning off the light, Jay hopped back into bed. He could go back to that lifestyle soon enough. Stealing, robbing. He just had to hope his memory plan would work. He'd just have to wait till morning to see if the pills worked.


First chapter out!! Sorry guys! I kinda lost hope I'm this series, but I need something to write. So I'm writing my Ninjago books. Enjoy! Maybe this will become frequent... No promises tho! 💙🙃😁

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