Chapter 8

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    Kai lifted his sword to block another swing from Cole. He had gotten the hang of the sword pretty quickly, as if he has fought with one his whole life. He had only learned from the others a few days prior and practiced alone for a bit afterwards.

     After blocking a few more attacks from the others, he was knocked off his feet from behind. Kai lay on his back as everyone laughed, smiling. He looked to see it was Lloyd, who had taken him down. Lloyd was also chuckling. Cole had convinced him to come out of his room. Everyone was only letting Nya touch anything he may eat or drink as a safety precaution, so Cole got Lloyd to try and talk to Kai, leading Lloyd to be more open around him. He assumed it was also due in part to the others planing on getting Kai's memories back.

     Lloyd, smiling, helped up Kai, who smiled back. Jay was the only one not there, again. Kai noticed that Jay really only spent time with the others when necessary. The others didn't seem to care as much.

     "You're getting good," Nya said, "you could definitely hold your own for a bit in a mission."

     "Thanks. It actually feels comfortable fighting like this. And the sword feels good."

     "Good to know that your instincts still stand. You should survive on your own well enough should anything happen." Zane said.

     Kai smiled as the others talked. He looked in the window to the temple. Jay was looking at them with a scowl. When he met Kai's eye he stood up straight, still scowling and moved from the window.

     Kai thought it was weird, but shrugged it off. Jay was just awkward he decided.  He turned back to the others. "Bet I could beat all of you in a video game!" He challenged them.

     "I'll take that challenge," Cole said, "but I don't think that you could beat Lloyd, he beat your high score once on my account on your best game once for Sensei Wu."

     Lloyd flushed a small bit of red and smiled. "I'm not that good. I was a child with a vengeance."

     "You're still good nonetheless."

     "I'm sure that I could beat you all no problem." Zane boasted.

     "You're all going down!" Nya shouted.


     Later, everyone was still in high spirits. Kai had just won, though he was mostly sure that the others had let him win. Nevertheless, he had fun destroying them!

     The others went to go grab something else to do while Kai got snacks. Entering the kitchen, Kai noticed Jay eating a pudding cup.

     "Hey Jay." Kai greeted, trying to be friendly.

     Jay hardly looked up, but gave the smallest of waves, acknowledging that Kai was there.

     "The others and I are going to be playing another game if you'd like to join us." Kai offered as he reached for the food.

     Jay shrugged. "Maybe. Thank you for the offer."

     It was quiet, until Kai thought he heard a buzzing. Jay stood up, throwing away the cup and leaving.

     Kai shook his head, sure he was imagining things, and brought the snacks to the others.


     Jay climbed to his room, the phone buzzing in his pocket. Feeling he was far enough away, he pulled it out and answered the call.

     It was Jason.

     "Hey boss." Jay said.

     "How have things been going? You still plan on meeting Logan tomorrow night yes?" Jason said, getting to the point.

      Jay sighed, rubbing his hands over his face. He had almost forgotten about the meeting. Things had been so hectic. "Yes. I am. I'll try to make it unless something comes up, then I'll call and inform Logan of what has come up."

      "Good. Don't screw anything up." Jason barked before hanging up.

     Jay shuttered slightly at the harshness of his bosses harsh tone, but he didn't blame him. The police had been on their tails recently, and they were not in the right place go move to the last back up hideout. If they were found out, it would take a longer time to get things going again.

He tossed himself on his bed, listening to the others shout downstairs. He should have given them all a memory pill! Then he would have been out and with the gang sooner. But it was too late now. He only had one more dose and he doubted he would be able to get more.

His best hope was to get Kai once more and hope that they all got too tired of it to try anymore. He'd ask Logan to try and get him a shipment of the pills tomorrow night. His eyes dropped closed, and he fell asleep in the day's clothes.

A/N I'm not going to be able to get to the library this week! So I'm going to post the "Lost Memory" chapter today instead of Friday.

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