Chapter 7

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The next morning brought another exasperated sigh to the ninja. Kai's memory had reset again, but Nya had slept in Kai's room with him, so they didn't wake up to screaming. He immediately went to Nya and asked all his questions.

"This is getting tiring!" Cole yelled. "And clearly taking a toll on Lloyd!"

"Take a breath Cole." Zane said. "It's going to be alright."

"Maybe you should go tell him what's going on though-" Jay said.

"No need to tell me twice." Cole said before stomping off, leaving Zane and Jay alone.

"We need to figure this out. What is going on?" Zane said. "I don't know how well we'll do with our team being a mess like this."

"It's getting a bit bad." Jay agreed. Inside, he was overjoyed. Maybe he'd leave this place sooner than he'd thought.

"That's it!" Zane shouted. "I think I know!"

"What?" Jay said, both scared and worried.

"We need to reenact an important part in Kai's life! Maybe it could jog his memory!"

"Maybe that'll work..." Jay said. So much for getting out of this so soon.

"Maybe we just need to have him join in a mission?" Zane started mumbling to himself, forgetting that Jay was even there.

Jay left and Zane didn't even notice, too wrapped up in his thoughts. Jay wondered if they would even be able to get Kai's memory back doing that. Theoretically yes it could, but Jay was good with technology, not statistics and theories. Jay hoped not.

The longer he was stuck here with the others, the more he might go insane.


Kai stared in disbelief at his sister. "You mean, you and your friends want me to fight bad guys with you?"

Nya nodded. "Zane believes that it would be the best way to get your memory back." She raised an eyebrow at her brother. "You, do want your memory back right?"

"Of course I do! Why would I not? I'm just worried about what could happen if I joined you all."

"We could give you a rundown on some basic training of how to use a sword. You aren't half bad at it. I couldn't say the same for your blacksmithing skills." Nya chuckled.

Kai rolled his eyes. "Hey. I'm not that bad!"

"Sure you aren't. Anyways, we'll teach you how to use a sword for a bit today and a bit tomorrow."

"Sounds good."


Jay backed away from Kai's door quietly and went to his own. When he got there he tried not to panic. If Kai got his memory back, Jay could be exposed. He took a deep breath. It would be okay he was sure of it.

He went to his closet and opened the hole he made in the back corner. He made an extra precaution to hide his phone after the close call with Kai. He took out the phone, and sat on the floor of the closet.

He went to speed dial and called Logan.

"Hey. What's going on?"

"Hey. I think that the others are going to get back Kai's memories soon." Jay said. "And as you remember, Kai was close to figuring out I was still taking with you guys. If he remembers that, he knows your name and could -honestly would- tell the others."

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