Chapter 9

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A/N Please bear with me with the mechanical terms and stuff like that. I prefer wood building. Not mechanics. Thanks.

Jay once again woke up, and heard everyone training outside. They hadn't woken him up. Probably just didn't want to train with him around.

He sat up, and sighed with a frown. "Those idiots are oblivious to their own ignorance and rejection of me. Again."

He stood up and did some stretches of his own. The others rarely trained with him anymore, but they had done that before he left. Because of that, he just did stretches by himself. Mainly just the stupid sunrise morning exercising he always hated that Sensei Wu had them do originally. Despite never liking them, they worked well enough. Jay would rather do them alone than actually train with the others.

It looked like a semi-clear day, though it could rain at any time. Maybe he'd go to the nearest village today. Going to Ninjago City would be too suspicious. He was going there tonight anyways.

He just didn't want to be there. Anywhere was better than here. He had a headache from stress and too much noise.

Opening his door, he headed downstairs to the kitchen. Nobody was there, so he grabbed a box of Rainbow O's cereal and poured himself a bowl. He could eat if there was nobody to get after him, calling him lazy or whatnot.

As he sat down and lifted the spoon to his mouth, Misako and Wu entered the kitchen.

"Good morning Jay." Misako greeted. "How are you this morning?"

Jay shrugged, swallowing his mouthful of cereal. "I'm alright. Could be better without this headache."

She smiled at him and hummed. "Well I hope it goes away soon."

Jay shovled another bite in his mouth, trying to avoid further conversation, but Wu spoke to him.

"Why aren't you out training with the others? Do you have other plans or something?"

Jay took his time chewing but knew he couldn't avoid the questions. "Nobody woke me up. So I just thought I'd leave them alone. And yeah, I was planning to go to one of the nearby villages to buy some stuff."

Wu nodded. "You should train at some time today though if you don't mind, Jay."

Jay nodded. "As you wish then Sensei." Wu and Misako had tried their best to be kind to him while he was here, unlike the others. The best he could do was do a few things they asked of him.

The two adults left him to eat while they talked themselves. Jay finished his food and took his plate to the sink. He cleaned it and put it away before heading outside.

At this point the others were all at one side of the floating temple, so he just went to the opposite side to train alone and away from the others.


"When are you going to tell him, or at least tip off the others?" Misako asked Wu, watching Jay through a window.

Wu sipped his tea before speaking. "This is Jay's own personal problem to deal with, and the others need to actually learn to pay attention and care for their brother."

"That's not the problem. The problem is that the others are affected by what he's doing with Kai's memory."

"Kai will get his memories back in time. And if Jay wishes to not be apart of this team, I will not stop him. Especially if he is uncomfortable here."

"What about the others then?" Misako huffed. "If he successfully manages to break them apart, there will be no one to stop him or his gang from terrorizing Ninjago."

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