Chapter 3

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Dinner was, awkward, to say the least. It was quiet, everyone ate without a word. Jay was the only one happy about it. Maybe his plan would work.

"Is it always this quiet?" Kai asked.

"Not usually. We just didn't want to upset you Kai." Cole said.

"I'm a little confused and nervous, but you guys don't have to be silent." Kai said.

"Well, do you wanna know anything, or ask a question?"

"Hm. Well, what do you guys usually do for fun?"

"Besides train? Play video games. Maybe a few pranks." Jay said.

"Unless we're on a mission or something. "Nya said. "Then life's just crazy."

"So, I was part of this once?"

Everyone looked around nervously.

"Yes. But don't worry Kai," Sensei Wu said "We'll get your memories back."

"I hope so. This is really confusing, and you guys all seem like really good people." Kai said.  He gave a small smile at Lloyd, who had been quiet and avoided eye contact with anyone.

Lloyd averted his eyes and Kai frowned a bit. The green one, Lloyd, seemed off and awkward to Kai. He was quiet and reserved.

Kai turned his attention to the rest of the group, who were joking around.


The ninja were watching a movie after dinner, joking and laughing, not really paying attention to the movie.

Lloyd turned to Cole. "I'm going to get a drink," he whispered.

"Want me to come with you?" Cole asked.

"Nah. I'll be back in a minute." Lloyd got up and went to the kitchen.

Kai watched him and followed into the kitchen. Lloyd took a sip of water out of a glass.

"Hey. Uh Lloyd, was it?" Kai asked.

Lloyd turned around and nodded, trying to hide his face in the cup.

"Look. I. I wanted to apologize for how I acted this morning." Kai said.

Lloyd gave a shrug. "It's alright. Waking up with no memories must be scary." He said softly.

"Yeah, it kind of was." Kai took a step towards Lloyd, who flinched, barely visibly, but enough for Kai to notice. "I just- While I don't have my memories, I don't want things to be awkward."

Lloyd nodded. "I get that. Let's just get back to the movie."

Lloyd put the glass in the sink and walked past Kai into the living room.


Jay lay in his bed. The day and the plan had been a success. Kai had no memories. He supposed that the only bad thing was that the rest of the team besides Lloyd had no awkwardness with Kai, and were pretty understanding.

There was a tapping on the window and he turned to see a dark figure outside. He went to the window and opened it, revealing Logan standing outside.

"Dude! What are you doing here?" Jay asked, looking over his shoulder and around outside.

"I wanted to see how the plan went " Logan said. He held out a hand and Jay took it, pulling him in.

"It's went great. Lloyd is nervous around Kai. Though I was thinking of shaking up the plan a bit." Jay said.

"Oh yeah?" Logan asked.

There was a knock at the door and Jay panicked, shoving Logan back out the window and closing it as the door opened.

"Jay?" Zane's voice asked as he came in.

Jay turned around and tried to look calm. If it was anyone who could tell Jay was spooked and hiding something, it was Zane. He couldn't afford to be caught.

"Oh. Hey Zane! You need something?" Jay asked, maintaining a false smile. He'd gotten good at that recently.

"Are you talking to yourself? I heard voices and they seemed to be coming from your room." Zane asked.

Jay tried not to panic. "Oh yeah. Just, what happened to Kai, you know. Poor Lloyd."

"Ah. I understand. Well, I'll be going back to bed. Please try to be quieter." Zane said.

"Sure thing bud." Jay said.

Zane turned and left the room. Before the door closed, Jay could barely hear him mutter, "Why is he so annoying?"

Jay growled, anger rising. This is why he left.

He went back to the window and opened it. "Sorry about that dude." He grabbed Logan's hand and pulled him up into the room again.

"It's alright. It'd suck if your cover was blown." Logan said.

"Let's keep this to whispers. If another person comes in, we'd be in trouble."

Logan nodded. "Addison wanted me to give you this." He pulled out two pictures. One of Jay and Addison, and one of just Addison.

Jay smiled. "Thanks dude."

"No problem. Now, about the plan?"

"Oh yeah. I was thinking of making him 'randomly' losing his memories every few days." Jay smiled.

Logan grinned. "That sounds good. Just don't get caught."

"I won't. I just want to throw them in for a loop."

"How'd the others react?"

"Lloyd and Kai fell asleep together in Kai's room. It was a fiasco when he woke up. The others are understanding and trying their best to be patient. Which is why I'm thinking of making him lose his memory constantly. If they get mad at me, maybe they'll get tired of it." Jay said.

"Sounds like a good plan. I shouldn't stay longer than necessary." Logan turned and stuck a leg outside "Good luck. And don't get caught."

"I'll try my best not to. Tell Addison thanks." Jay said.

Logan nodded before leaving through the window.

Jay closed the window as the door to his room opened again.

"Dude. Did Zane not tell you to keep it down?" Cole asked.

"Sorry Cole. Didn't mean to be so loud." Jay apologized.

"Just be quiet alright. Jeez. Your loud, even when whispering."

Jay tried not to frown, and held back a retort. "Sorry. I'm going to bed now. So you don't need to worry."

"Thank goodness." Cole said as he closed the door.

Jay clenched his fists and frowned. He couldn't wait to get out of there soon.


I'm getting my writing vigor back!! Yay! Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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