Chapter 10

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Dinner was a pain. It was all just a huge pain. Jay felt the daggers everyone stared at him for not coming back when they wanted him to.

He felt his head pound with a headache. The actions of the others caused it all by themselves.

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This was annoying. Why'd he have to come home?

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It bothered them this much, that he didn't listen to him?

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They most likely just wanted him to fix something, then they would probably have been done with him!


The stares got too much. Jay stood up, banging the table. "Why are you all staring at me? Did it bother you that much that I didn't come home when you wanted?"

"Yes!" Kai yelled standing to match his height. Jay gave an internal groan. Kai was much better without the memories. "We needed you!"

"Tell me then! What was so important?" Jay shouted.

"Really? You can't just come back and help us without an explanation?" Cole shouted.

"I was working you imbecile!"

"The wiring to the kitchen was incorrect okay?" Lloyd said. "Does that satisfy you?"

"Why couldn't you ask Zane?"

"He was in his room doing something and we didn't want to bother him!" Lloyd defended.

Jay gave an annoyed and offended look. "Are you kidding me? You'd rather call me, when I'm working and far away than bother Zane?"

The others gave no response. Jay gave an exasperated sigh. He pushed his plate further on the table and shoved away his chair. "I'm going to bed. Don't disturb me until tomorrow. Wu, Misako, I wish you both a good night." Jay walked away and up to his room.

They were kidding right? They were serious! Thank goodness he had that meeting later. He opened the door to his room and went inside. He locked the door and went to his desk. He just showed, but he started tinkering, making his hands dirty once again.

He just had to wait another hour before he could leave.


Kai sat back down and folded his arms. "Really? He's just really selfish."

Lloyd looked to his Sensei. "What do you want us to do Sensei Wu?"

Wu cleared his throat and wiped his mouth with a napkin. "Leave him alone for tonight." He ignored the stare that was sent by Misako his way.

"Yes Sensei." They all replied. They continued eating. Once done, they cleaned up everything but Jay's plate and went to bed.


It was about ten thirty, and Jay had to hurry. The meeting was at eleven. He had thirty minutes before he had to be at the hideout.

It was a big relief to him that he was going to the hideout for the meeting. Jay longed to be back there. He hadn't been in a long time, so he hoped that it was getting as grand as the first one.

After the ninja had trashed and raided their old one, members of the gang ran to the backup place as they escaped out the door. A little less than half had made it, and their supply of food, water, and games was low. He had no idea how many people had been broken out, or released from Kryptarium.

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