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November 9, 2017    -   6 AM

Luna's POV

I don't know how long I've been here but the wrinkles on my toes and fingers are proof that I've stayed in this bath for too long. What have I been thinking about?

Before I drown once again in my own thoughts, I feel the water losing its warmth as I can no longer see any steam rising up from it. I heaved a sigh before I stood up, got a towel, and dried myself. Training starts in a little less than an hour so I have to move. 

I finish dressing up, not forgetting to apply makeup that will mask the paleness of my skin. Suddenly, I found myself staring at the mirror, a nude lipstick on my right hand. 

Ever since I met Yuzuru, I don't think he's ever seen me without makeup. Well, except for that incident a few days ago back at home when he almost saw my deathly pale face.

Maybe this is why I took so long to take a bath. Looking back, random thoughts like this probably popped up inside my head; questions that will possibly never be answered; situations that will possibly never happen.

And all I can do is smile about it because I can't do anything. 

Even if there IS something I can do, I won't do it. My fate has been decided and I already accept it. Right?

As I finish up, I head out the bathroom, grab my trolley bag and get ready to leave when a ding came from my phone.

It was a text message.

From : Yuzu-kun 🍯

6:30 AM

Morning hime. You didn't go down for breakfast



Morning Yuzu-kun! Yeah, I think I ate too much last night.

I got Zhenya to pick some bread and coffee for me tho so no worries.


Are you okay?? You see that's why coach said to lay off too

much food you lil hard-headed hime. 


Whatever Pooh beaaar. I'll be down in a few. See ya 💋

I clutch my phone after I sent the message. Another lie. I actually didn't eat because I have no appetite and I told Zhenya I would get room service but I didn't. I'll just grab something to eat when I get hungry.

At Osaka Municipal Central Gymnasium  -  8 AM

Phew. It's a good thing neither Zhenya nor Yuzu made too much of a big deal about my breakfast lie earlier. I told the same lie to my Uncle and Coach Tracy too. If I told them I didn't eat, they'd probably never let me leave the hotel to train today and we wouldn't want that with tomorrow's competition coming up. I also assured them that "drank" my medicine just so they would get off my tail. I swear, they overreact sometimes. 

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