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3rd Person's POV

Despite Yuzuru wanting to forget how Luna can be taken from him anytime, it just won't leave his mind. He continued to stare to nothingness while his hand holding the fork fumbled with the exquisite, perfect toast dripping with golden honey. While his mind drifted away, Javi and Jason just whispered among themselves, quietly observing their friend.

"You think he'll be fine?" Javi said with worry while he munched on his breakfast cereal.

"Seriously Javi? Let me ask you the same question then. You think you'll be fine?" Jason whispered back, sarcasm lacing his voice. Seconds of silence later, Javi shook his head no. "See? You won't be fine. Imagine what's going on inside Yuzu's mind right now. We're just Luna's friends yet we already worry this much." Jason continued.

It had also been a week since Yuzuru started working on his quads again which terrified not only him but also his friends and family. The fans had been patiently waiting for Yuzuru's comeback at the 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics. However, along with the excitement comes the worry. Articles have been going around as well. Is this Hanyu Yuzuru's last Olympics? Is he going to retire? Have his past injuries taken a toll on him? And of course, Yuzuru is terrified at the thought of this. He has no plans of retiring. He hasn't even thought about it yet even years from now. How come the community already come up with the idea of Yuzuru retiring? Is it showing from his skating? Has his skills been left behind? Do the people think he's not good enough anymore?

When he started doubting himself, it was Luna who was beside him. Her words of comfort rained on him, putting his anxious soul at ease yet again. The situation took him back a few months back when he also had an anxiety breakdown. It seems that Luna knows him the best despite knowing each other for only almost a year now. Truly, time is nothing when it comes to love. Its not about how long two people have known each other. Its about how they spend their time together, no matter how short or long that may be.

As soon as he got back to the rink, he felt this fire inside of him. Motivation? Inspiration? Probably. It was Luna. She's the one who's keeping him sane from everything that's been happening. He almost feels sorry for her. His injury is nothing compared to what Luna is going through, and yet it was Luna who was comforting him instead of the other way around. And so in front of the woman he loves, he's keeping his worries in check so that Luna's burdens will be lessened, even for just a little bit. 

Behind Luna's back though, the thoughts come back. This time its not about his career as an athlete but rather the time he has left with her. Yuzuru wanted to stay positive for her, keep their hopes up, and believe that a miracle may happen. And that's what he will do until it actually happens. He admits that he loses faith sometimes, that the world is too cruel for Luna to be going through so much but the least he can do for her is believe that everything will be okay. For her. 

As soon as he collected his thoughts, he snapped back to reality wiping a tear that was threatening to fall from the corner of his eye, shoving a huge piece of toast in his mouth before looking at his friends who were quietly talking. He pushed back his plate, not wanting to eat the rest of his breakfast.

"Guys, you done? We better hurry. Luna and Zhenya's been outdoing us in training." Yuzuru chuckled while wiping the corner of his mouth with the table napkin.

"Oh, uh. Yeah, yeah." Jason replied quickly. They all stood up and went back to their rooms to freshen up before going out to the rink and train. 


Today's training is cut short. Tomorrow is the opening of the 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics. Luna and the others, despite wanting to train some more, were instructed and briefed about tomorrow's event along with other athletes from all over the world. Luna, her first and most probably last Olympics, will surely be memorable. Yuzuru has introduced her to the skaters he knew and she was welcomed warmly. Out of everyone though, Luna got along Maia and Alex Shibutani, the Ice Dance siblings from the US. 

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