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Yuzuru's POV

It was like my mind got clouded with disappointment, anger, and confusion all at the same time. Why is she thinking that I can't do it? Out of all people, she should be the one to encourage me, not hold me back.

In the heat of the moment, I didn't regret saying the words I just said to Luna. It was true. I know I could do a quad lutz here at the NHK. I have to. The Grand Prix Finals are coming up and even though I know I'll qualify, I still have a name to uphold. 

I didn't realize that for the past few months, I've been greatly distracted by Luna Saito. Some may say its a good thing that I'm taking things easier because she's there to keep me from becoming the perfectionist I once was. 

But then, something in me just snapped right before I entered the rink today. It may have been the pressure of living up to the name Yuzuru Hanyu, the world recognizes as the best skater of all time.

After being called out by Coach Brian, I scoffed and skated away from them nonchalantly. I have never let anyone see this side of me. Even my family has never seen me like this. 

As I was preparing to practice my jumps, in my mind, all I care about now is perfecting my performance for tomorrow's short program.

However, I can never forget the look on Luna's face after everything I said. 

Her mouth slightly agape from shock.

Her eyebrows knitted in confusion.

Her eyes, her beautiful brown eyes, sparkling as tears were threatening to fall.

Her body cowering in fear.

What have I done?

I shook my head and get the image out of my mind. I can't afford any distractions. After circling around the rink, I prepare to do the quad lutz.

As I was about to take off, my eyes couldn't help but look back at the rinkside. Why is everyone crowding around her?

And without thinking, I jumped. 

It all happened so fast. All of a sudden, I was laying down flat on the ice. I wiped out. Bad. 

I try propping myself up but immediately, pain shot through my right ankle and I just lay there helpless. 

All I heard were my own groans and whimpers, as well as Jason shouting for the medics. I struggle opening my eyes from the unbearable pain emanating from my ankle. 

Everything was a blur and my consciousness was failing me as I get carried on a stretcher, into the ambulance, going to the hospital.

All this happening and the only thing that still lingers in my mind is Luna's face crying.

Because of me.

Luna's POV

"GET A MEDIC! YUZURU'S HURT!" Jason's voice echoed throughout the stadium and before I knew it, my feet moved without thinking and I ran across the rink where Yuzu was whimpering.

Kneeling down, I was scared to touch him seeing how fragile he looked. I don't want to cause any more inconveniences. After all, I do hold him back.

I shook the thought away as I hold back my sobs. Seeing Yuzu so vulnerable and suffering in pain made my heart ache so much. 

He was in so much pain, it seems he is not aware of what's happening around him.

In less than 3 minutes, medics were already here, ready to do first aid on his ankle before carrying him onto the stretcher. 

"Luna. You stay here first. I'll accompany Yuzu in the ambulance. You guys can follow later once practice is done. You hear me?" Coach Brian said strictly but still with worry plastered on his face. Of course. He treats Yuzu like his own son.

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