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explanation of my absence at the end of the chapter. don't kill me 🥺

Third Person's POV

Its a cold night in the city of Moscow yet Yuzu felt the total opposite.

He could feel his sweat running down his forehead. Was it because from running so hard? Or maybe because he's worried as hell right now? It doesn't even matter anymore. Yuzuru has to get there quickly.

Just a few minutes ago, he was chilling with his figure skating friends in their hotel room when Jason's phone rang. He suddenly stood up with worry and shock plastered on his face.

Jason's words echoed clearly in Yuzu's mind as his voice trembled.
"Yuzuru. Luna. Sh-she's in danger."

"What?" Yuzuru stood up and held Jason by his shoulders.

"She called. Luna sounded so scared. A-all she said was the park. I think something happened to her at the park."

And with those words, Yuzuru bolted out of the room and ran to the nearest park.

Numerous thoughts ran through his head.

He thought he was with Zhenya and the others? What were they doing in the park? Why is she alone? Where are the others then? Is she safe?

Yuzuru ran past the park's entrance and saw how deserted the place was. Makes sense. Its so cold out.

He stopped for a moment to catch his breath snd stood up straight again.


Yuzuru ran and ran shouting the same words over and over again but alas. No one was answering.

He was worrying. He could feel his heart beat out of his chest.

Kuso. I left my phone at the hotel.

Yuzuru sat down at the nearest bench under the only light post that was lit throughout the whole park.

He sat down, putting his head on his hands.

"KUSO. KUSOOOOO!" Yuzuru shouted as one by one, tears fell down his face.

Yuzuru felt... He doesn't even know how he feels. He feels mad. Worried. Scared.

He's terrified.

Luna wasn't even his yet. How could he lose her like this. Jason should've called the police. They should be here by now.

Yuzuru was sobbing. He doesn't even feel the cold weather anymore. He was numb.

Suddenly, he heard a voice from the trees behind him.

A voice he knows all too well.

Yuzuru's POV (HURRAAAY!!!)

"Its the middle of the night you know. You shouldn't be waking up the people with all your shouting."

I stood up and snapped my head to where I heard the voice.

That voice I've been wanting to hear for the past how many minutes (that felt like hours) I've been searching.

Without hesitation, I ran towards her and hugged her so damn tight. I nestled my face against her neck as I put my hand in the back of her head.

"Yuzu-kun? Daijōbudesuka? You're trembling. Are yiu cold? Why don't you have a jacket on?"

I didn't answer any of her questions. I pulled away from the hug and felt my knees turn to jelly from all the nervousness I felt earlier.

"Kono baka. What were you doing here alone?!We're in a foreign country for fuck's sake! You said you were with your friends, Luna! What the hell happened?! Are you okay?! " I screamed.

The anxiety, anger, and worry poured out of me so suddenly. I was slightly pulling my hair from being so stressed and scared.

I was actually expecting her to look at me with fear. As far as I know, she hasn't seen me like this. Ever. But I thought wrong.

I looked at her and all I saw from her eyes were fondness as her pink lips stretched into a soft smile.

What? Why? Isn't she mad at me for yelling at her?

I didn't realize we were lost at each other's eyes when she outstretched her hand to wipe away a stray tear falling down face.

Unconsciously, I held that hand and brought it closer to my face. She's warm.

I was never the vocal type in front of others. No one really knows how I feel apart from Javi of course.

But ever since I met Luna, it feels like she knows me better than I know myself.

And that's what made me fall in love with her. Truly. Madly. Deeply. Utterly in love with Luna Saito.

Without even knowing, I suddenly burst into soft sobs. All the anxiety and fear emanated from my very being and I couldn't help it.

I was helpless. Just the thought of Luna disappearing and leaving makes my heart clench so bad, it hurts.

This time, Luna pulled me into her hug, one hand at the back of my head and the other caressing my back as she was humming an unfamiliar tune.

Within a few minutes, I calmed down and the tears stopped falling.

When Luna felt this, she pulled away from the hug, she looked at me dead in the eyes and said

"Watashi no hoshi ni narimasu. Korekara mo itsumoissho ni iyou, Hanyu Yuzuru-san. Hai?"

I stare at her, her face glowing under the moonlight.

"Hai, Saito Luna-san."

Little did she know, she's already my star.



Before you guys get mad at me, I just want to sincerely say thank you from the bottome of my heart for 1k reads. I seriously didn't expect this book to be a hit yet here we are. You guys are soooo amazing! 🥺🥰

So since I'm back, I now want to apologize for not uploading for weeks. I regret it. I just felt no motivation whatsover. But here I am now and I owe to you guys who still support this story. 💜

I didn't want to upload a chapter that contains no Yuzu-Luna moment as sort of like a "comeback" so I thought this might be the best way to let you guys know I'll be uploading as often as I can. 🥺


Stay safe, people!

Stay golden! 💖✨

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