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Hi guys! How are you? I hope you're all safe wherever you are. I appreciate each and everyone of you! Also hoping you guys are okay no matter what you're going through and always remember that everything will be okay in the right time. Things may seem hard now but all will be better. Stay strong and hang in there. If you guys are going through anything, you can message me anytime and I'll listen 🤍

Anyway, let's move on to Chapter 16!


Third Person's POV

It was a rainy morning; the perfect day to stay at home and be lazy watching Netflix while eating your favorite food. What would make this even greater is cuddling with your boyfriend under the warm, fuzzy blanket with the pitter-patter of the raindrops outside.

Ah yes. A lazy day sounds nice.

However, it was the total opposite for Luna Saito. She's spending this rainy morning at TCC, working her ass off for the NHK Trophy which will take place in about 2 weeks. The only thing that's similar is how she's training with her boyfriend, the one and only Yuzuru Hanyu. Ever since they got home from the last competition, the Rostelecom Cup, she only took two days off before training again.

In one of those two days, she went to the hospital for another monthly check up with her doctor. It wasn't actually hard for her to keep Yuzuru off her tail. According to Yuzu, he was "going to redeem himself" at the upcoming competition that's why he only had a day off instead of two.


Luna arrived at the hospital wearing an oversized hoodie so as to not attract attention from people. Apparently after the previous competition, she became more recognizable to the public. It would cause so many malicious rumors to erupt if people were to find out that she goes to a cardiologist from time to time. That would be the definition of a DISASTER.

Anyway, she has been sitting at the waiting lounge now after she had finished getting her ECG and chest X-Ray.

As soon as she made eye contact with Mrs. Green, Luna went inside the room without hesitation. Before passing her, she mouthed a simple "thank you" for not mentioning her name so no one would know.

With the click of the door knob, she sat down on the sofa, greeting her doctor a good morning.

The whole situation has been more and more realistic to Luna as months passed by. It had been what, about 7 months now since she was given a time frame and since she started skating again.

"You already know what I'm going to say right?" Dr. Sanchez said.

(A/N: I actually forgot the name of the doctor, or even if I did name the doctor. I'll just change it to this one HAHA)

"Of course I do." Luna nonchalantly responded.

"And? That's all you have to say?" Dr. Sanchez replied as he did not look up and kept on reading her ECG results and X-Ray.

"I mean. I guess? Come on. It's not treatable anyway. Surgery is definitely out of the question. I don't even have the guts to tell my family I'm dying. Besides, the meds are working fine. After I take them, I already feel a lot better."

Dr. Sanchez just replied with a heavy sigh while putting down the papers. "Then why not just tell them and just get the surgery?"

"And what? Worry them more? Cause more burden? I hate that. I'll never forget the day I got diagnosed with this curse. I don't ever want to see their faces like that again. Not while I'm still alive." Luna replied seriously.

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