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I uploaded again! Don't want to get writer's block because y'know.. I don't want to make the same mistake I did with my other fanfic HAHAHA.

Here's chapter 2 guys. Enjoy and stay safe ❤️
3rd Person POV
Flashback to 3 days ago
"WHAT? LUNA SAITO HAVE YOU GONE MAD?!" Luna's dad yelled at her.
"Absolutely not Luna. We're not talking about this" her mom continued.

You can see the look in Luna's disappointed face. How frustrated she is that her parents are opposing her idea. She absolutely has to do this. No matter what. Even just for a short amount of time.

Meanwhile, his older brother Sky just examines Luna's face.
"Mom, Dad. You HAVE to understand! I'm 21 for crying out loud! I'm an adult and I am old enough to make my own decisions! Can't you even understand that?! WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO MAKE YOU UNDERSTAND?!" Luna shouted with tears streaming down her face. Her parents do not answer. Instead, Sky decided to speak up after minutes of complete and utter silence.

"Why? Why Luna? What's gotten to you?" he decided to ask with a completely serious face. Luna leaned into his brother's direction and held his hands tightly, shaking with determination.

"Sky. I need to. I want to. I spent all those years training and pouring my life to skating. Its my passion. My life. I miss it so much, Sky. I don't want to die with regrets." Luna stared intently at Sky who can see and feel his sister's burning determination.

"Would you be happy with it? Skating, I mean." Sky retorted.
"You know me Sky. Of course I would. This has been my dream for years and it still will be for a very long time"

"Then go." Sky said while smiling sincerely at Luna. He turns to their parents saying "Mom, dad. Let her. You heard her. You saw her. This is the least we can do for her after keeping her all cooped up here at home. She deserves to be put there. I guess you could say, its her destiny."

Their parents look at each other as if speaking only with their eyes. Their mom nodded and their dad finally speaks.
"All right. Your mom and I. We don't want to be the reason for your unhappiness. We love you so much, you know that right, our baby?" Their father said hugging Luna from the side.

"I'll never let you down. I promise. You make me so happy. THANK YOU GUYS. YOU'RE THE BEST!" Luna exclaimed while pulling everyone for a hug. I'm sorry for lying... I just need to do this. I want to.

Now here I am, in front of the famous Toronto Cricket Skating and Curling Club at 7 AM in the morning. I haven't skated for years too, so I checked my gear after having the conversation with my family 3 days ago. So I got a lot of things, mainly I got new boots and blades because my old ones were to old and busted. Speaking of my skating gear, it's currently not in my possession. My older brother is trailing behind me like he's my personal assistant or something holding all my stuff because he said it might too early for me to be straining myself with such a heavy bag.

I can vividly remember what he said
"I support you Luna. But on strong conditions. I'm gonna drop you off and pick you up since you start training early and end late. Almost the same time as my classes. Okay? No ifs, ands, or buts"

So here he is. My personal assistant. Also, my father talked to the coach specifically the other day so there shouldn't be any problems. We headed to the receptionist.
"Good morning! I'm Luna Saito and I'm a new skater here. I just want to ask where Coach Brian Orser is?" I smiled at her.
"Good day Miss Saito! Please head inside. Coach Brian and Coach Tracy are in the rink with the other skaters for a briefing. Thank you!" She replied.

As I was walking inside I scolded Sky "Seriously bro. Why are you still here? You're gonna be late for you class!"
"Aw c'mon sis. I wanna see you off on your first day. Besides, I'm dying to see THE Coach Brian Orser." He replied while winking and I just roll my eyes.

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