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Luna's POV

Here we go. Deep breaths. As soon as the last group for the men's short program was called, I was accompanied by Katelyn to the stands where skaters from Canada are seated. Before leaving though, I didn't forget to hug Yuzuru tight and whisper words of encouragement. 

"How's Yuzuru by the way, Luna? If he had to sit out of the team event, that probably means he was injured pretty bad." Scott asked from beside Tessa. 

I turn my head towards the rink as I see Yuzuru and the others warming up before replying "To be honest, I already know he's got the gold in the bag." I smile before looking at them and smirking. 

A couple of 'Ohhhhh's' were heard making me laugh. "Big words, Luna. How can you be so sure? Javier is there too, and don't forget Nathan and Shoma." Katelyn asked.

"Well, I just know. I have that much faith in him. Besides, we've been training together, remember? Although's he's still not fully recovered, he's been working hard." I continued. 

Katelyn and Tessa squealed in reply which made me jump in confusion. I look at them as I tilt my head wide-eyed and ask "what? why?" 

"You guys are just so adorable, you know? I wish we were one of the first witnesses of your guys' relationship." Tessa pouted in reply.

"Oh my gosh will you stop, Tessa. That is so cheesy." I visibly cringe making all of us laugh. 

"But seriously, though I think its still quite early I'll say this, I really hope you guys end up together. Like, its a forever type thing. I'm literally going to melt. Do you think you guys have a chance of, you know, getting married? You're both entering mid-20s anyway." Katelyn giggled as she asked the question. As soon as I heard the word 'forever', I felt my heart crack for the nth time since I got back to competitive skating. 

I look away with a sad smile, trying to look for an answer when my eyes land on Yuzuru who was standing on the side, waiting for the other skaters to get off of the ice as the 6-minute warm up ended. I see him listening to my Uncle probably doing a pep talk before Yuzuru's skate but his eyes travel up to the stands looking for someone. Without hesitation, I stand up raising both of my hands. As soon as he sees me, he smiles widely and waved back. 

Before he looks away, I cup my hands around my mouth and shout, "Yuzuru!!! がんば!!! (ganbare)" My voice echoed throughout the stadium making the people behind me and Scott, Tessa, and Katelyn look at me in surprise. Even so, my eyes remain on Yuzuru who was smiling his signature smile before mouthing "ありがとう!" 

I gave him a thumbs up before taking a seat. As seconds passed by, I'm wishing the ground would eat me up and take me away from all the embarrassment. I cannot believe I just shouted like that. Unconsciously, I hunch my back and bury my face on my palms as I squeal.

"There, there. Its okay. We actually find it very sweet. No need to be so embarrassed." Tessa replied placing a comforting hand on my lower back. 

"She's right, Luna. Although I kinda have to warn you. Reporters not only report the news from the actual sport, they also feed on other interesting events," Scott said making my head snap to look at him, "just like what you did. So you'll probably be in World News tomorrow if not later today." My eyes could only widen in realization as I wiggled in my seat from the embarrassment.

"Way to go, Scott." Katelyn said, rolling her eyes at what Scott had just said. I was about to speak when I was cut off. 

"Next skater, representing Japan, Yuzuru Hanyu."

As soon as his name was announced, the crowd went wild as expected. Of course, one, its his second Olympics and two, its his first skate coming from an injury. You may say that he feels the pressure and of course, that feeling is never going to leave. However, as his partner, I did everything I can to assure him that whatever he does, the people will love. He doesn't have to set himself up for high expectations. In reply, he told me that never thought he was a defending champion. Yuzuru says he always thinks he's a challenger. As a fellow skater, its such an inspiring message coming from someone so accomplished yet humble in the sport. He told me it was something he always stick to, to make sure he's continuously improves along with the other skaters. 

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