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Luna's POV

Silence. Complete and utter silence. It was as if the world stopped spinning and we were the only ones there. 

"Very funny, Yuzu. Hahahaha!" I replied laughing at what he just said. There's no way he could've meant that. But instead of him laughing with me, he just looked down at our intertwined hands as he softly caressed the back of mine. 

"Yuzu? Say something." I asked cautiously waiting for him to reply.

He heaved a deep sigh and said, "I'm serious, Luna."

And once again, silence filled the air, my eyes widening in disbelief at what he just said, at what he wanted me to do. 

"You have to be kidding. You know I can't do that. We are not having this conversation."  I said as I pulled my hand away from his grasp. I can feel my chest tightening ever so slightly, feeling pain just from the thought of having to quit skating AGAIN. 

"But you said you love me, Luna. Please, just liste-" he said as he tried to reach for my hand once again.

"No Yuzuru. I can't believe you even thought about this." Tears started to fall from my eyes one by one. Out of everyone I know, he should be the one to know that I just can't quit. No.

"JUST LISTEN TO ME." Yuzuru shouted, standing up.

I look up to him, staring at his beautiful eyes that are now brimming with tears as well. My lips could only quiver at the sight of him crying. The sight of him crying because of me is the one I hate the most on the world. 

"Luna. You've done enough. You've proven yourself to the whole world. It's okay. You don't have to do anything anymore. Just quit skating and focus on living a long life. With me. Stay with me. Just wait a few more years and I'll be sure to propose to you. Let's spend the rest of our lives together, okay? Just please... just quit skating and stay with me." Yuzuru said as he slowly kneeled beside my bed, looking at me straight in the eyes not breaking eye contact with each and every word he said. After his speech, he clutched my sheets and ducked his head down, suppressing the small sobs resonating throughout the room.

I was supposed to be happy with what I just heard. I should be jumping with joy. Finding someone like Yuzuru who still wants to be with me even though he knows I'm already dying, its probably something that happens one in a million times. And I'm grateful, I really am. But...

"Yuzu... Look at me." I say softly but he refused to look up. I smooth out his black, fluffy hair. "Look at me please?"

Yuzu looks up, eyes red from the crying. I get lost in his eyes that were sparkling, his tears resembling shining diamonds. His lips are visibly quivering, probably trying to stop himself from losing it.

"I do love you... But I just can't quit. I'm happy with what's happening now. I'm happy with my family. I'm happy that you're still with me. I'm happy with our friends. And even though I know its going to be the death of me, I'm happy with skating. You of all people should know how I feel. Right?" I say softly, as if teaching a mere child a life lesson he could use in the future. 

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