Chapter Twenty

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Four days later, Kieran and Luke were back in Rievelt, and the Prince opted to have lunch with the Hammedathas in the pavilion, where a recount of how their quest transpired was in order. Commander Xerthes was at the castle, overseeing a disciplinary matter among some of his soldiers and captains.

"Was it really that bad?" Joshua inquired as Aira passed him the vegetable curry.

"I nearly died three times for each week," Luke answered, "from near drowning, from thirst, and from Kieran's grisly buddies trying to eat me alive."

"I think the clan of cannibals we met on Carnage Island were worse than my grisly buddies." Kieran pointed out, packing his plate with turkey drumsticks.

"Ugh. Don't remind me," Luke groaned. "But it was pretty funny and ironic when co-captain Sleazy Shark bit off part of the cannibal's ear."

The both of them laughed at the memory.

"Would have been funnier if it was Rafa's ear, though." Kieran added and laughed alone this time, with Luke eyeing him in a lack of amusement.

"Too much?" Kieran asked, receiving the plate of liver from Ray.

"It's not funny," Luke said, "what would have been funny is if we'd all offered up Rafa to be eaten in exchange for letting us go!"

And the both of them laughed louder with shaking shoulders.  Their laughter sounded like something between a couple of squawking seagulls, and braying donkeys. They bumped their fists more than once as they did this.

The rest of the family had instantly stopped whatever they were doing and were regarding the odd pair with befuddlement on their faces.

"I think all those days with the queer Rafa and crazy pirates have twisted their brains quite a bit," Alyssa noted.

"That's the Gutsy Duo for you," Aira said, her fork only half the way to her mouth.

Ray snorted.

"If they keep guffawing like this, their guts will definitely be all over the place," he said, "and we don't want any more Offal."


After lunch, Aira pulled the Prince aside to the cloister, far from everyone else.

"So?" she asked eagerly, giving him an upwards nod as anticipation danced all over her features, "what happened?"

"I already told you, I almost died. The thick fog as we maneuvered through reefs didn't help at all-"

"No, you nincompoop!" Aira swatted his arm. "I mean with Kieran. Don't you remember the whole point of this was to make them value each other's presence more?"

"Oh?...oh. Oooh," Luke finally understood, and a sly grin stretched his lips. "Well, it definitely worked. Do you know he practised his steps for the engagement dance every single day? And he's gotten her a gift."

Aira gasped. "Really?"

Luke nodded. "Couldn't even wait to see her. He's planning on going to Rivera Manor today to surprise her."

Aira could barely hold in her excitement, and danced on her feet jovially.

"Well what about you?" Luke asked.

"Ugh. It's been the worst," Aira said, rolling her eyes. "Ever since Kieran left, Joshua's been making us train our butts off. He makes us do morning runs and hunts in the woods. Does he want to have a collection of fur carpets or what? I am-"

"No, nincompoop!" It was Luke's turn to snap. "I am talking about Elena. Do you know what her state is?"

"Oh?...Oh. Oooh," Aira drawled, "Well, to be honest, I've been really busy dealing with Joshua and regiment training so I haven't met the Riveras. I was planning on going over there soon, but then you guys showed up."

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