Chapter Fifty-two

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“Whew!” Lukas sighed the moment Kieran was out of sight. “Dodged that arrow.”

“That was way too close,” said Joshua. “Thanks for the beautiful camaraderie you displayed, Luke.”

“Now, now, let’s not dwell on the past. It doesn’t matter whose idea it was to bet or who decided to take a short break amidst the rough interrogation,” Luke said dismissively. “All that matters is the now and the future. Like how you and Ray undoubtedly lost the bet and now you have to lick mine and Aira’s boots for three months.”

Aira grinned. “I second that positivity.”

“Ugh. It’s not fair!” Ray whined, stamping his boot like a tantrum-throwing child. “A lot of unpredictable stuff happened that aided your side!”

“Who cares about that?” Aira retorted. “The fact is, we said Kieran would fall for Elena by the engagement and it happened. Get used to our win and get over it. I demand for the both of you to call me ‘Master’ from now on, okay?” She smiled a sickly sweet smile.

“You are insane if you think we’re going to accept defeat that easily,” Joshua said, glaring at Aira. “When we made that bet, we thought Kieran would be engaged in under two months. It’s been nearly eleven months since then. A lot has happened that affected them!”

“That’s not my problem,” Aira snapped, waving her hand in the air. “The bet stands as it was then.”

“No no no. Josh and Ray make valid points,” Luke cut in.

Aira whirled her head round to Luke. “Excuse me? They’re just trying to worm their way out of this!”

“But we also need to look at this in a logical manner,” said Lukas. “None of us expected all these ups and downs to occur before the engagement. And it just so happened that they worked in our favour. It wouldn’t be fair winning this way.”

“Now you’ve gone raving mad.” Aira snorted. “Whose side are you on!”

“Don’t reproach him for exercising rational judgement,” said Joshua.

“Yes. He’s the Crown Prince, you know,” Ray added.

Aaron rolled his eyes. “Now you praise him.” He had taken up a seat in the sofa to watch the others argue it out.

“Pint-size, you just don’t want me to win anything, do you?” Aira barked. “This is how you double-cross me, isn’t it?”

“Relax, fiery ferret,” Luke cooed. “You still have a chance to win something. I’m not done talking yet.”

“To win something?” Aira raised a brow. “What do you mean by that? What will I be winning?”

“What else?” A mischievous grin stretched Lukas’ lips as his dimples showed. “Another bet.”

Aaron face-palmed.

Joshua stepped forward. “Kieran literally just said-”

“Oh, won’t you hear me out first, my big foreheaded friend? This one is juicy.” Luke said and wiggled his eyebrows.

“Okay, I’m curious,” Aira folded her arms and gave Lukas a questioning look. “How were you able to think up another one so quickly?”

“We shouldn’t be doing this,” Joshua said, lightly massaging his forehead, under his bangs.

“Listen first, decide later,” Luke told Joshua. “Will you hear me out?”

They were all contemplative for a moment.

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