Chapter fifty-seven

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Elena would be leaving her home the next day.

Per Rievelt tradition, the bride left her home officially after the engagement to stay with her in-laws. It was for the purpose of getting herself accustomed and acquainted with her in-laws and her new home for ten days before she was officially married. As such, she would be living at Hammedatha Manor in her own bed-chamber for ten days. She would move into Kieran’s bed-chamber on the wedding day…or night.

The night of her engagement was exactly how she’d imagined. She spent most of it with her sister and all her cousins in her bed-chamber. It was a time of retelling old stories, reminiscing both the happy memories and the sad, and of course – lots of gingerbread and other snacks involved. Although Alistair, Seth and Leticia did have some alcohol.

The boys had to retire early, but the girls remained with Elena to help her pack her things. They all took to her bed when her bags and cases were ready, and one by one, they fell asleep until it was just Elena and Mara. Mara had her arms wrapped around Elena, her head in her bossom as she stroked her hair.

“This is the last night we can hold each other like this,” Mara whispered.

“You should sleep,” Elena whispered back.

“I don’t want to. I might have a bad dream.”

“It’s okay. I will be here.”

“But not for the rest of the days,” Mara said, softly. “What will I do if I have a bad dream tomorrow? Or a day after that? Anne left us, and now you are leaving as well. I’m going to be all alone.”

“No, you won’t,” Elena said to her. “You have mother and father, and your friends. You can always invite them over.”

Mara hugged her tight. “It’s not the same,” she mumbled in her chest. “But don’t worry, okay? I will definitely get used to not having you around all the time.”

Elena smiled. “If you can manage to do that, I will be very proud of you,” she whispered and kissed the top of her head.


Aira arrived to pick up Elena at dawn the next day.

All of Elena’s family, as well as the servants, had exited the house to watch her go. As her luggage was being placed in the coach, Elena turned to look at the Rivera household; her mother and father, her sister, her uncles, aunts, cousins, and even Luther Javanmoore who was cradling a sleeping Matthew.

Her cousins were all trying to look brave, but she saw how the smiles were threatening to break. None of them had said goodbye yet, and this was the only time they had to do it. She couldn’t see them until the wedding day.

“Oh, Elena.” Caroline was the first to break as she reached forward and enveloped her in a hug. She’d always been the shy soft-spoken one, as well as the sensitive one.

Elena gave her a squeeze when she heard her sniff.

“I wish you all the best, cousin,” Caroline whispered as she drew back. Elena wiped a tear from her cousin’s cheek.

“Thank you, Carol.” Elena smiled and Leticia swooped in to give her a hug.

“He better treat you right,” were her words, “or else we will gang up on him. Won’t we, boys?”

Elena managed a light laugh as Seth, Alistair and even little Taris came to bid her farewell, though his head was nodding with sleep.

“You can count on that,” Seth said and kissed Elena’s temple.

“Ugh, I can’t believe our dance meetings are over,” Alistair whined, taking Elena’s hands. He smiled at her. “The rest do not see it, but I know he will take care of you.”

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