Chapter Fifty-one

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When Kieran told Elena that the day had come for him and his siblings to prove their bravery, she thought the trial they were to go through would be very tough. He had told her it was a matter of life, death and honor, and Elena's mind raced with possibilities of what it was. It sounded downright terrifying, and it definitely frightened her, whatever it was.

So when she stood next to Prince Lukas as the Hammedatha siblings sat their dining table, her expectations were crushed to the lowest level when she discovered that it was drinking.

The Chugging, to be exact.

"They're always so freaking dramatic about this," Prince Lukas said to her.

"I expected slow walking on red hot coals while balancing an egg on a spoon in your mouth," Elena said. "Or wrestling a buffalo."

The Prince looked at her and grimaced. "Exactly what do you think the Hammedathas are made of? That's going overboard, Elena."

"This drink is no different from that scenario, sister-in-law!" Ray yelled. "Luke, you are downplaying The Chugging."

Prince Lukas rolled his eyes. "Please. It's just an herbal concoction."

At once, all the Hammedatha siblings, plus Lady Alyssa, hooted.

"An herbal concoction that messes with your senses," said Aira. "But forget it. I don't think you'd be man enough to take it anyway."

There was another bout of hoots, and Elena's mouth formed an 'O'.

Prince Lukas let out a harsh laugh. "Are you challenging me, Aira?"

Aira crossed her arms over her chest. "You know I always am, pint-size," she said. "I should start looking for new nicknames now. Will lily-livered mole rat do? Spineless ostrich?"

Prince Luke gritted out, "Shut up."

Aira slammed her palms onto the table and leaned forward, her eyes blazing with dare. "Make me."

"Mama Kieran!" Prince Lukas called, still holding his glaring contest with Aira. "Pour me a cup."

Elena was enjoying all the hullaballoo. She watched giddily as Lady Alyssa poured 'the elixir' from her jar and into a cup next to Kieran's on the table. Elena's jaw dropped as a slimy ball of green fibre plopped into the cup.

Ray burst into laughter. "Ha! You ended up with the chunk this time! It really does land on the last person!"

Prince Lukas grimaced slightly. Clearly his bravery had been a tad disrupted.

"Backing out already, Luke-of-spine?" Aira taunted. She pronounced Luke as something between 'lock' and 'lack'.

"Do not be ridiculous. I am the future king," Prince Lukas proclaimed, shifting his weight from one foot to another. "I will not be defeated by plants. In fact, I shall be the one to call it."

Kieran, who sat infront of the prince, cocked his head back to look at him. "You sure about this, bud?"

"If he wants to call it, let him call it," Aaron said. "The one who calls it is the bravest, and it's always been Kieran. If you fail to chug when you've called it, you become the lowest of the low."

"The most cowardly," said Ray.

"The prissiest," said Joshua.

"You are no longer a man," Aira said, smirking.

The Prince gulped. After a while of silence, probably debating his options, he said, "I will call it."

Kieran shrugged while his siblings wore devious smirks. Elena could not help but feel something else was up; a mutual scheme amongst them.

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