Chapter Twelve

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So I have finally reached Anne's wedding and it's a tiny achievement for me because now I feel the story is finally moving forward😫 Enjoy.

Kieran had quite the explaining to do when he got back to the tent, because Luke was livid.

"So you abandoned your two drunk and vulnerable companions, huh." He glared at Kieran. He was standing with his hands on his hips, his lips pressed in a thin line. Everyone else in the tent - even that man he'd been talking to earlier, was passed out from either drunkenness or exhaustion.

"I don't see a threat," Kieran replied coolly, gesturing around to the people that could easily be mistaken for corpses.

"It might have as well come from outside!"

"By the time I left, you were nearly sober," Kieran said, "Besides, we both know you slug really hard even when drunk."

It was true. Unlike Kieran, Luke had a talent to somehow retain his senses (as wobbly as he would get) even after consuming an unnatural amount of liquor, and kept his memory as well. He just became way too hyperactive when he drank. But it seemed he was still unwilling to accept Kieran's defense, seeing as the glare in his eyes remained unchanged.

"You could have atleast told me where you were going." Luke said icily, "What could have been so urgent that you had to leave behind your future king in such a hurry? And where's your headdress?! Go on and expose us all, then!"

The first line of his statement made Kieran believe it wasn't so much as abandoning his duty to the Crown Prince he had done, but walking out on his best friend, and leaving him in the dark. Sometimes Luke emphasized his capacity when he was hiding his true feelings. This was one of these instances.

Kieran sighed and wore a solemn look.
"I was told that one of the Emperor's ministers had been kidnapping and drugging girls so he could have his way with them," he explained, "I saw him with Elena at the Eve party yesterday so I thought she was in trouble."

He gazed at Luke, whose angry face had turned into one of fear and anxiety, "I'm sorry for leaving you like that. But Lukas, I had to go instantly."

Two strides, and the Prince was infront of him expressing worry, "Well, what happened?" He inquired rapidly, his anger for Kieran replaced by anger for the minister, "Where's the rogue? And Elena? Is she-"

"She's fine, Lukas. He didn't do anything to her." Kieran assured Luke, who expelled a breath of relief before he could start up a storm.

"Thankfully, the authorities already had him by the time I arrived. I found out that he'll be serving a life imprisonment with torture," he added, and remembered crossing gazes with Almech. His anger returned upon visualizing his nonchalant face. He could not comprehend how someone could abuse so many girls just to satisfy his lewd desires, yet manage to look so calm and collected, like there was nothing wrong.

"Lukas, if he-" he'd intended for his voice to be calm, but it came out as a snarl. He clenched and unclenched his fist, then went on, "If he'd done anything to her, I would have lost it." He flicked his eyes to Luke and added, "I would have killed him."

Luke had no doubt about that; he saw the hatred in his eyes and felt chills when he uttered those words. Kieran was the rational type- cool headed and controlled. But when he lost his cool.....well, not many survived after being exposed to his temper.


Kieran and Luke soon dragged Enoch back to base, and the shop keeper was kind enough to share a concoction perfect for sobering him up. Of course Luke, to his glee, had to slap Enoch across the face to wake him up to drink it, and also decided to take a portion of it as well.

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