Chapter Two

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General Kieran stepped back into the Rivera Manor, still harbouring mixed feelings. He was met by one of the lady guests, who was obviously most pleased to see him, with how wide her smile was.

"Oh, there you are!" she chirped. "You disappeared all of a sudden."

Kieran gave her a small polite smile.
"Yes well, I needed some air," he replied without emotion.

"Care to dance?" she asked, and reached for his arm, but he dodged the contact easily.

"I'm sorry, but I need to sit down," Kieran said and glided past her.

Being outside with Elena had made him nearly forget how much of an impact his presence had the moment he'd stroll into a room. He noticed another lady walking towards him, and realised he'd have to act out the previous scene a few more times before he got to the table his brother was sitting at.

Finally escaping the over-eager noble women, he took a seat beside Joshua, who was drinking some wine.

"And where have you been?" Joshua asked. "The ladies in here seem to have made it the evening's quest to have a dance with the Commander's sons." He looked pointedly at Kieran. "You're the only one that's left."

Kieran looked into the crowd and noticed his two other brothers in the dancing frenzy, being pulled from one excited woman to another. Ray seemed to be enjoying himself, and the attention, but Aaron looked like he could barely keep up with all the ever changing dance partners. Aira had joined a separate circle of younger lively ladies; among them, Mara.

"I think I'll pass," said Kieran. To him, dancing was just an excuse for women to assault him.

Except this time, there seemed to be one who held no such motive.

**** **** ****
In the meantime, Elena was hyperventilating in the hallway.

"Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness!" she wailed, pacing back and forth. "Why did he have to show up there of all p-places!"

She had been totally dumb struck upon realising that the person who had held her was General Kieran. At that time, wheels had been turning in her head, and the only thing she'd wanted to do was run away from him. She'd avoided looking at him directly for fear that he might recognise her, and kept on wondering if he had, indeed.

"I'd say that plan worked out even better than you expected."

She remembered his words, and pondered if he thought she was out to get him, like he'd thought years ago. She bit her lower lip and stamped her feet repeatedly.

"What am I going to do!" she wept. "If he has recognised me,then my life is over. He can never forgive me for wh-what I did."

Deciding her best option was to stay in her room until the guests left, she turned quickly, and almost bumped into Lady Victoria, who did not look happy.

She was wearing a magnificent pale pink gown that practically swept the floor, her chiffon sleeves short, to make way for the numerous golden bangles that circled her fore arm. Her golden necklace looked to weigh more than Elena herself, and her bell shaped golden earrings made her lobes hung low.

"Elena Rivera, you are coming with me to the party hall right this instant!" she snapped. Although she was plump and shorter than Elena, her gaze could be rather intimidating.

Elena's eyes widened. "Mother, I cannot!"

"Oh, stop this nonsense!" Victoria raised a palm, and her bangles tingled with the swift motion. "I can see that you are perfectly fine, and there is nothing sickly about you, so come."

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