Chapter Twenty Six

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Dedicated to @cathy0000c

When he came back from the training grounds and returned to the pavilion, Kieran counted his best friend, and all four of his siblings.

"Where is Elena?" were the first words he spoke.

Aira glanced at Luke. "She went to check on Patrick."

Luke was sitting at the table with his legs crossed on top of it, and when he saw Kieran stride out of the pavilion, he jumped out of his seat and followed.

At the steps leading to the lower gardens, Elena was facing Patrick, and holding his hands. She was wearing a worried, yet stressed out expression on her face.

"Just tell me what is going on with you and him," Elena pleaded.

Patrick shook his head. "No, you don't understand. He-"

He could not finish his sentence when he looked to his right and spotted Kieran walking, nay, marching towards them in long angry strides, his hands balled into fists and his hair bouncing with each step. Even though Patrick could not read his exact expression from the distance, he could tell that the General was downright furious.

"Elena, let go of my hands," Patrick said quickly, his eyes still on Kieran, who resembled an impending tornado - one whose only target was him.

"No!" Elena declined. "Not until you tell me!"

Patrick's bottom lip quivered, and he sucked it between his teeth. Although he was trembling like a leaf, he found he could not move out of danger's way, and was rooted to the spot by fear.

He blinked and in that moment, his life flashed before his eyes. But in the next, he saw the Prince harshly pull Kieran back by his shoulder, forcing him to turn around.

Now was Patrick's only chance.

"Come with me," he told Elena, and hurriedly pulled her down the steps with him.

"What!" Kieran barked at Luke.

"What the heck, Kieran!" Luke shot back. "Why are you so furious and charging like a bull that has seen red?"

"Leave me be. I can't let him-" Kieran turned around and froze when he saw no one in sight. His eyes widened. "They're gone."

He made to dash forward, but Luke grabbed his arm and pulled him right back.

"So what!" The Prince snapped.

By then, the other four Hammedathas had exited the pavilion, and were standing behind Luke in the lawn, watching them both.

"Kieran, so what?" Luke repeated. "You are acting as though you think they're going to elope. Elena promised to marry you, not him. Do you not trust her?"

"Of course I do!" Kieran yelled, flinging his hand away from his forehead. "I know it well that I am the only one for her. She told me herself."

"So what gives?" Luke asked, shrugging. "It doesn't make any sense for you to be this angry when there's no reason for you to be."

"It's just him!" Kieran exclaimed. "I don't trust him and I don't like him."

"And what's there not to like?" Luke asked. "They're just friends, Kieran. Caparo is different from that Elgarthan minister Almech and we both know that, so stop overreacting. You've always had a cool head, but from how groundless your fury is, you're being irrational right now."

"I..." Kieran gritted his teeth and ran his fingers through his hair, his feet pacing back and forth. "I can't stop."

"Why the heck not?"

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