Chapter Six

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The couple returned to Rivera Manor with Kieran's horse following behind them, and were welcomed by Anne.

"Back by nightfall, as I said," Kieran told Anne, who smiled.

"Please, General," she said. "Do join us for supper. It would be lovely if father and mother could see you."

"Well, it's not like I can refuse an invite from my future in-laws," Kieran answered.

Anne smiled at his affirmation, but when she looked at Elena, astonishment replaced her smile.
"Elena, your dress!" She shrieked.

Having forgotten about her current predicament, Elena looked down at her dress and waved her hand dismissively. "Oh, this is nothing."

Anne reached forward and touched her dress, that still had bits of brown painted over it. There was a look of absolute horror on her face when she felt the humid. "What you mean!" She cried restlessly. "It's all damp and ruined!"

"It was just a tiny incident that occurred," Elena said, hoping her cousin wouldn't take the situation so seriously. She was then quick to add, "The General had nothing to do with it; it was entirely my fault. I'll just go get changed before supper."

"You can't!" Anne held Elena back from moving towards the main steps.

"Don't worry. Mother and father will barely notice," Elena assured her. "I'll just swoosh past like a bat and they won't realise what's happened to my dress."

Kieran smiled at her simile. Anne, on the other hand, was a lot less than glad.

"No, you don't understand," Anne said and chewed on her bottom lip anxiously. "It's not just father and mother in there."

"What do you mean?" asked Elena.

Anne glanced at Kieran, who was also curious. She then replied,
"The General's family is also around."

"What!" Kieran and Elena chorused.

"They're here for dinner."

"But I did not know they were coming," Kieran and Elena said at the same time and looked at each other, finding it odd to have the same thoughts.

"It was supposed to be a surprise," Anne explained. "It was planned so that by the time you two returned, you'd be surprised by this little get together."

Kieran remembered how it had been his mother's idea to take Elena out on a walk and wondered whether this was what she had been planning at the time.

Elena tipped her head back and let out a groan. "Well I can't let them see me like this!"

"Me neither," Keiran agreed. "They'd all give me a handful if they found out I let you out of my sight."

"Elena, just go through the back door and get changed," Anne suggested. "If mother notices your change of clothes, I'll cover for you."

"Sounds like a plan," said Elena. "But what about the General?" She turned to her betrothed and asked, "Will you wait for me?"

Kieran looked at her like she were mad. "Wait for what?"

"Well it would certainly be suspicious if you walked in without me," Elena said sensibly.

"She's right," said Anne. "It might be a burden, but you have to wait until Elena returns."

Kieran looked like that was the last thing he wanted to do. He wasn't exactly fond of 'waiting'.
"I think I'll just come with you," Kieran said to Elena, who widened her eyes in surprise.

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