Chapter Three

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For the rest of the evening, General Kieran found it difficult to keep his eyes away from the eldest daughter of the Rivera household. He just still could not believe that someone like her actually existed. If he didn't take his chance now, who knew when he'd find someone else as suitable to be his wife?

From a distance, Prince Luke Forsyth looked curiously at Kieran. He followed the object of his attention, and saw that it was Lord Rivera's daughter, who was currently standing with her father and the Commander.

"I can't believe my eyes." Luke breathed.

His servant, Enoch, was working extra that night, serving guests. Usually he was paid to serve only the Prince, but by taking on jobs meant for the other servants, he could earn a little more.

He was a skinny lad, though taller than the Prince, had a mop of dark brown curls on his head, and brown eyes. He was passing by, carrying a silver platter on which stood refilled chalices, when he was called.

"Sire," Enoch replied, taking a few steps back to stand beside his master.

"Look at that," Luke said, using his chalice to gesture towards Kieran. "Is Kieran staring or do my eyes deceive me?"

Enoch peered at the General, then at who he was looking at, back at the General for a longer time, and to the lady once again.
"He's definitely staring, sire," he replied.

"Very unlike him, isn't it?" Luke asked, his eyes narrowed as he enunciated each word slowly.

"The General never stares at women," said Enoch, now also watching Kieran. "He stares at birds, into space, sometimes you and I, but never at women."

"Exactly," Luke agreed, then raised his eyebrows in sheer surprise. "Oh my, look at that! Is he smiling?"

Enoch was just as amazed. "I believe the proper term is 'blushing', sire."

"Ha!" Luke laughed out loud, his body bending backwards a bit.
"This is really a sight to see. I have to get to the bottom of this loverboy charade," he said, and began walking.

Enoch followed beside him, and when Luke came to a stop, he did, too.
Luke turned his head and looked at Enoch for the first time.
The servant was looking forward, at Kieran, with a serious expression on his face, clearly itching to scoop the gossip.

"Enoch, what are you doing?" Luke asked dryly.

"Hm?" Enoch said. "We need to get to the bottom of the loverboy charade, right?"

"We?" Luke echoed, raising his eyebrows. "I never said we, fool. And aren't you on duty at the moment?"

Enoch looked at Luke, who nodded towards his platter.
"Oh, right," Enoch suddenly remembered why he was at the party that night, and forged a smile.

Luke downed the rest of his drink and placed the chalice on his platter. "Off you go," he ordered dismissively, and Enoch went on his way.

Luke walked to Kieran, who was casually leaning against a pillar, his arms folded.
"Well, what's this, then?" Luke asked. "Never seen you look at anyone like that before. Well, once...but if I didn't know any better, I'd say you look like you've found your bride."

Kieran cast his gaze to Luke and said, "What if I have?"

The smirk was wiped off his face when he saw the steady look in Kieran's eyes.
"No way," he said, and immediately focused his eyes upon Elena. "She is gorgeous..."

"Not the point," Kieran said. "The point is, she is unaffected by my presence."

"I can see why," said Luke, "She's a goddess and you're..." He looked Kieran up and down."...a pig."

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