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I understand why you're avoiding me because of the letters.

But there's no point of running away, Magui. I already gave you the space like you wanted. Two years and I'm still fucking here.

If only... if only I did not hold myself back before, maybe none of this would happened. For the last two years, I was constantly fighting against myself if I should chase you right there and then. Leave the band because I know I'm ready to throw it all away for you. That maybe... just maybe, you wouldn't leave me hanging.

Tangina kasi ang sakit, Magui. Umalis ka na lang eh. I have no damn clues why and when.

That was the only way I know how to love... but why is it still not enough to make you stay?

I tried to go back the way I was. I tried to date other girls just like you wanted me to do. To divert my feelings. Kasi hinding-hindi kita pipilitin kung ayaw mo sakin. But I just couldn't because who am I kidding? I really got it bad since the moment you laid your eyes on me.

For fuck's sake, I have lost many things on the way, I can't afford to lose you too.

I wasn't a saint. I'm not even close enough. But every time you look at me, it makes me want to be good because you're too good. And I want to be deserving of you.

I think I held myself back long enough. I want to make this real. No more back and forth. No more detours.

I'll wait for you in our concert. I knew it wouldn't be easy.  But I'm gonna beg for my chances, Mau.

I wasn't the one who gets something by force. If you won't come that day, then probably it's my sign to back off.

Love, Magui (Cagayan State University #2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon