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Shobe... I'm sorry. It's true I was being irrational and self-centered to you of all the days where in fact you've done nothing wrong. I feel so terrible from the things I did. I was so unfair to you and yet you remained kind. All I think about is myself and I was just blinded by my anger. So yes, I know about your feelings for Cj. And Magui... your feelings for him was so pure and poetic compared to what I feel about him. Maybe when I thought of it as betrayal, I was the most narrow-minded person just like what Gideon said to me.

I guess, I really am.

Tho I'm just fooling myself because Cj will never look at me the way he looks at you. Maybe just maybe, my heart's accepted the reality with Cj, I finally convinced myself it's an unrequited love... well, nearly. At least I know it won't hurt forever. What we had was nothing compared to what you have.

Whenever he's with me, I know he's thinking of you. And all the songs he played, he was playing it for you.

No one always make the right decisions, Magui. I'll take all the blame because Cj was also a victim. If there's one thing I know about him, it's that he struggles with self-esteem when it comes to you and I took advantage of it.

I was planning to say these things in person but I'm constantly reminded of how cruel I am as your sister... I apologize for my shortcomings as your Achi. But I won't delude myself thinking that you'll forgive me... because I don't want to take advantage of your kindness anymore.

You're my little sister... and I love you, Magui.

I put the box... the letters in your room. I'm sorry if I lied... and heartless enough to hid it from you. I did all the bad things but Cj deserves your forgiveness. He really cares about you, Mau.

It's his mother's death anniversary. Just in case, you change your mind. I'll send you the address of the cemetary.

He needs you, Magui. He's been through alot. And this time, I want him to be happy.

So give him courage. Stay by his side, even just for today...

Love, Magui (Cagayan State University #2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon