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I closed my eyes briefly as I clenched my jaw in irritation. Adonis is drumming like it's the end of the fucking world. I can barely hear the sound of my guitar. I craned my neck slightly glaring at his position. But this stupid motherfucker didn't even stop when he saw the look on my face. Adonis lifted both of his eyebrows and even had the guts to hit the drums more loudly annoying the hell out of me.

"Tigilan mo ko. Tangina ka." I raised my middle finger at him.

But he only laughed in return.

"So nasty but nah! Join our supposed-to-be band first then I'll let you live in peace."

Adonis was the one who arrived on the idea of forming a band. Months of pursuing, Steven and Gideon agreed but me? No thanks. I got a lot of different plans on standby.

Plus, we're in college. My course is demanding too much of my time. I can't even score a date with girls like the usual... Well, I'm not going to be a hypocrite. Hindi ako magmamalinis. I'm not the type of a guy whom you expect just to do nothing. I'm too young to get serious. Maraming babae diyan. So I play around although like I said, not enough time.

I smirked with that thought.

"Ano, Cj, deal?" I heard Adonis tried again.

I shook my head abruptly.

I like playing guitars. I guess music is even my passion. But that doesn't mean I'll open the doors for the music industry. It's a long journey. I'm not even sure if I won't ever regret choosing that dream over the reality... just in case the wind will blow on the other direction and might as well reverse my decision not to join.

"Come on, dude! We're friends, we should stick together!" Adonis pouted which I find it disgusting.

God, is he even a guy?!

"Ever heard of ride or die?" he urged impatiently.

Sighing, I massaged the bridge of my nose. They're my friends since God knows when and I treasure them. No matter how much I wanted to be there, all I can give is support and that's it. Playing in front of the crowd is not my thing.

Adonis did stop hitting his drums but I can still feel my head throbbing. I don't even get why I went here hoping that I could find peace, but all I got in the end is frustration. I also saw how Steven crossed his arms and waited for my answer, adding fuel to my annoyance so ready to ignite.

"Ride or die, yes. But not this one, Adonis. Me on a band?" I scoffed, "I'm really out of the picture." I added.


"Cj said no, Adonis. So cut it out and suck your tongue." Steven intervene.

"What the fuck?! Suck my—what, you son of a bitch!"

Kinuha ko ang aking gitara at isinakbit sa aking balikat. Steven just nodded at me when I looked at him. I nodded back. I'm sure as guilty but what can I do? Forced myself to join even if I only give half of my effort? That's bullshit.

On the other side of the studio, which Gideon's man-cave turned into music room by the way, Adonis is sporting a scowl on his stupid face. I smirked and level his look.

"Whoa! Hold it up there! Where do you think you're going, Callahan James?"

I heaved a frustrating sigh.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm going home." I replied.

Craning my neck, I shove his hands off my shoulder and step away.

Love, Magui (Cagayan State University #2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon