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After 2 days it was Gulf's birthday. And it was his graduation day as well. BounPrem and ZeeSaimt decided to give a surprise.

It was 12:00 am. Gulf was fast asleep in Mew's arms. Mew removed his sleep mask as soon as the alarm went on. He shut the alarm off before Gulf would wake up.

Mew slowly woke up Gulf.
" Gulf.. Gulf... Dear sweetheart. " he said.

Gulf opened his eyes slowly by the sweet call of his mate. Mew brought his face near Gulf's ears and whispered " Happy birthday my love."

Gulf was soo touched. Being a simple guy, he had always expected things which are simple but heart touching. In his entire life no one had ever wished him in this way. It was exactly the way he wanted. No gifts, no surprises, no cake and decorations, just a genuine wish from the bottom of the heart.

Gulf cupped Mew's face and landed a 3 seconds long kiss on his left cheek. " Thank you P'. " and he smiled.

Mew put on his sleep mask again and they went back to sleep.


In the morning, Mew called Boun to inform that he won't be coming to office.
. " Hello. Boun you need to take care of things at office today. I need to go to the graduation ceremony. " said Mew.

" Hello bro. Don't forget even my wife is In the same university. Even I need to attend graduation ceremony today. " replied Boun.

" Oh. I nearly forgot that you are married too. " said Mew making fun of Boun.

" Han???.. How are you supposes to forget my wedding. It's me who should forget your marriage. Because you still hate each other. " said Boun being annoyed by Mew.

Mew laughed loudly and said " correction please. I love him. He is exactly the way I imagined my love. Boun I'm telling you... It's not just me... Even he feels the same. "

" what are you saying??? So soon?? Hey I'm serious happy for you. But I won't tell his to my wife. He really can't keep his mouth shut. " he said.

" yeah. So now I may have to request P'Zee to go to the office today. " said Mew.

" Omg. I never knew you would loose your memory after falling in love Mew. Even Saint is in the same university. " Boun sighed.

" oh yeah... Gulf occupies my mind all the time. What shall I do now? " said Mew.

" Hey did you even forget that you are the owner of Tech in enterprise?? It runs efficiently even in your absence. No need to worry about it at least for today. Bye my love is calling me." said Boun and cut the call.


MewGulf  dressed up and went to the university. Everyone was fascinated to see this hot couple. They looked like a celebrity couple. Indeed they were a celebrity couple. Gulf smirked at his haters as their jaws dropped looking at Mew.

During the ceremony Mew was sitting in between the crowd. Gulf constantly kept waving at his husband. He blushed everytime he did this.

" Hey Gulf. You hated P'Mew since we were freshers right? I knew you were married. But could never imagine that it would be P'Mew. How did all this happen? " Sofie, a friend of Gulf who was standing beside Gulf asked him out of curiosity.

" Hmmmm.... Even I never knew I would marry him. But now I will never leave him. He certainly loves me a lot. " he said.

" And what about you? Don't you love him back? " asked Sofie.

" How is it even possible to not love the most gentle one. I love him. " he said and smiled. He was speaking his heart out. He had know his heart at the very first moment when he decided to go to his parents when the house left empty in Mew's absence. Everything he did after that was a act. He wanted to confirm that Mew loves him back. And that day at OhmFluke house, when he mentioned about family, he was satisfied. He got to know that all this time what he was expecting from Mew was his love.

At this point, Mew loved Gulf. Gulf loved him back and he knew that Mew loves him back. But Mew was unaware that Gulf loves him back.

After graduation ceremony, Gulf rushed to hug Mew. OffGun who had been to the ceremony were shocked to see that his son didn't even glance at them. But were happy to the core because they no more regret their decision. Mew gave him a white flower bouquet as a present for his graduation.

" Did I do well P' ? " asked Gulf as he hugged him.
" I knew you would my love. " said Mew.


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Everyone really forgot that it was Gulf's birthday. Because they were so happy after the graduation.
But this naughty couples had their plans at MewGulf dorm.

At night after dinner MewGulf went back home. Mew was parking the car. And Gulf opened the main door and closed the door behind him. Fortunately he did not lock the door. Gulf moved few steps towards the bedroom when suddenly rhe lights went off. It was completely dark. Because of the sudden darkness Gulf could not figure out anything. His fear was back. His breath stopped. His lungs were trembling to get oxygen. His heart was pumping more and more  blood to his brain to keep him conscious. Gulf was in a phase to loose his consciousness. The BEEP sound was heard in the background and he collapsed on the ground.


Hello guys... Thank you so much for voting and commenting and for reading my fanfic.

I seriously love you guys..... I have uploaded the new chapter today.. Because I may not be able to do it tomorrow.

Thank you soo much guys.... Love you.

HAPPY NEW YEAR FOLKS🤩🤩🤩💜♥️♥️💞💞♥️♥️

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