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A date was arranged. Both Mew and Gulf agreed to go on a date. Both of them were curious to see their fiance. It was a wonderful Saturday evening and it was the first date for both of them. Mew reached the restaurant few minutes before Gulf and was already waiting for Gulf in the reserved room.
The room was decorated with indoor plants and dim lights that was just perfect for the dinner date.
Gulf was there on time. He went to the reception and said " I have an appointment with Mr. Suppasit. "

" Are you Mr. Kanawut? " the receptionist asked.
Gulf just nodded with a smile.
" Please follow me sir. This way. " she said.

Within few minutes Gulf was standing near the door. He smiled at the receptionist and she walked back. Gulf took few deep breaths. The person in the room is going to be his life partner. Gulf knocked and then he slid the door and stepped inside the room.

Both Mew and Gulf were shocked to see each other. Gulf's eye balls became as large as watermelons and Mew almost dropped the flower bouquet that was in his hand.

" Is that you?? " both of them said in unison.
Mew kept the bouquet back on the table and sighed.
" Are you Mr. Suppasit who was supposed to meet me???" Gulf asked conforming again if he was at the right place.
" Yes. And are you Mr. Kanawut who is on arranged date with me?? " asked Mew.

" oh no. That can't be you. " said both them in unison again with grief.
Both MewGulf removed their phone form their pockets and called their respective moms.

" Papa, am I supposed to meet Mr. Mew suppasit?? " asked Gulf to papa Gun.

" Papa, am I supposed to meet Mr. Gulf Kanawut?? " Mew asked to papa New.

And the answer that they got made them sigh in disbelief.

Both of them sat on the couch that was decorated for the date. They were quite for a while and then Gulf broke the silence.

" I will never marry you. " he said.
" Even I am not interested in you. " said Mew.
" I will reject you as soon as I reach home. " said Gulf.
" Before that, I will reject you. In fact I am calling Papa right now to tell him that you are a spoilt brat. " said Mew dialing a call.

" And I will tell that you are a big ass pervert. " said Gulf.

The fight went on for 20 minutes but neither of them dared to call their parents. They tried their best to get on each other's nerves so that the other one would refuse to marry them. But neither of them had courage to go against their parents.
After 20 minutes both of them remained silent because both of them were exhaust and were hungry.
Mew broke the silence this time.
" Let's have dinner and then go back home. " he said.
Gulf agreed. They ate the delicious food and were full. They got out of their room and started walking towards their cars. Mew had his car in the left side parking lot and Gulf had his car in the right side parking lot. Before they dispersed, both of them smirked at each other .
" You will be rejected soon. " said Gulf.
" You will hear the news that I have already rejected you as soon as you reach your home. " said Mew.
Gulf reached his home. And then he went straight to his room. After he freshed up himself, he heard a knock on the door. He swiftly went and opened the door. Papa Gun standing there with his smiling face. Papa gun got into the room and sat on the couch.
" How was the date? " asked papa gun.
Gulf thought for a while and said " it was great. "
" So you like him? "asked Papa gun.

Gulf went to flashback. He remembered that Mew had told that he would reject Gulf for sure. Gulf thought that " after all Mew is going to reject me for sure. So it's better to stay on the safe side. And by this I will not even be hurting my parents. "
" Yeah. I like him. He's good. " Said Gulf putting a fake blush on his cheeks.
Papa gun was satisfied. He placed a sweet kiss on Gulf's forehead and went out of his room.

At TayNew mansion.

When Daddy Tay asked Mew about his date, Mew smiled a little and said " He is too cute. And the date was very good. I think I like him Daddy. "
TayNew and OffGun were extremely happy to know that the kids like each other. And they started planning for MewGulf marriage.
On the other side both MewGulf were unaware about this. Both of them thought that the other might have rejected them since their parents didn't speak anything about their marriage after their dinner date. Parents were busy in arranging the marriage because only 3 more weeks were left for the marriage. And MewGulf were enjoying their last few days of bachelor days. And this stupid Gulf forgot to tell his friend Prem that he is not getting married.
It was Wednesday evening. Just 10 days before MewGulf marriage. Boun and Prem were getting married. Boun was on cloud nine. Even Prem was too exited.
Gulf and Saint were Prem's best friends.Gulf, Saint and Fluke were with him in the bride room getting Prem ready. Prem was wearing a royal blue color suit with grey shades. He was looking very cute.

Ohm was Prem's elder brother and was married to Fluke. Fluke was a teacher and Ohm was a major in filming and was working in OffGun Film production company.

Prem's parents came inside the room and were very happy to see their child. They placed sweet kisses on Prem's forehead. Ohm came running and hugged his younger brother tightly. A drop a tear made it's way down his cheeks. And said in Prem's ear softly " If he will ever do something that will hurt you, then I will kill your husband. " The others in the room laughed while the brothers hugged each other again. Ohm released Prem from his arms and placed a sweet kiss on his forehead.
Prem held his father's hand and everyone started walking towards the central Hall. Boun was already standing on the platform. Boun was stunned to look at his boy. Prem looked like an angel to him. When Prem was approaching to him, he got down from the platform and walked near them to take Prem. Prem's father hugged Boun and said " don't ever forget about him banana milk dear. " and smiled. Bound smiled back. Prem's father placed Prem's hand in Boun's hand. Boun held it tightly and brought him up the platform. The priest asked them to vow.

And now it was time for the kiss. Boun put his hands around Prem's waist and pulled him near. Prem put his arms around Boun's neck. Boun tilted his head a little and then placed a kiss on Prem's lips. It was a perfect marriage kiss and they smiled at the end and drew back their faces.


After the ceremony when everyone were having their dinner Gulf spotted Mew. Gulf was certain that he would see Mew today. Because Boun and Mew were friends since long time and Gulf was aware of this. After all it was actually BounPrem fight that created enmity between MewGulf.
That night BounPrem went to their apartment and the rest of the night was memorable.

Gulf was lying down on his bed and was thinking on what Prem had told him.

After seeing Mew, Gulf was curious about something. He went straight to Prem and pulled him to the side and asked " Prem. I am just curious about something. Both of you hated each other like hell right? And your fight created a big scene. Now tell me, how can you fall in love with someone you hate??? "

Prem just smiled as his sweet moments with Boun passed through his head. And he said looking at his love, " it's complicated. This cannot be explained. This has to be experienced. "

Gulf came back to reality. He could not understand anything. ' how can you fall for someone you hate? ' was the only question revolving in his mind. Gulf fell asleep thinking about this which he was supposed to experience soon.
Mew was happy to see Boun happy. Mew thought that the concept of MewGulf marriage was over since Gulf didn't approach him. And Mew was still dreaming of 'love marriage'. He thought that this is going to be the last time they see each other. But destiny had it's own plan. The next time they would see each other on their marriage day.

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