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Dedicated to Jovelyn tesorero (my lovely follower), Memonr, Kria_20 and Mewkanagulf.

Mewgulf routine changed again. They lived with a great coordination.They worked together. Got back together. They were seen together all the time. Weekends were their special days. They refused to step out of the house during weekends. If they were seen out, then the only reason would be Luzy. Luzy was a cute little adorable dog. She was smart and never created any trouble to her parents. She never ever tried to disturb her parents when they were making out. All she wanted was a walk during weekends. Her so called crush Lufia( the pet dog next door) would also come out for a walk every weekend.

It was that day when Zee's recent novel was a success. ZeeSaint got back form an award show. Saint was soo happy and proud of Zee that he started kissing him as soon as they entered his home. They were not living together. But Zee occasionally visited him there.

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Soon ZeeSaint lost their self control and were making out

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Soon ZeeSaint lost their self control and were making out. Saint never regretted his act. In fact he found out that he was being loved even more by Zee after that.

One day when ZeesSaint were in Saint's apartment, Saint suddenly was nauseous. He even threw up twice. Saint was feeling nervous.

After Saint got out of the washroom after throwing up for the third time, he sat on the couch. Zee was smart. He remembered that he had come inside Saint that night. He held his boyfriend tightly and kissed his cheeks.

“ P' I'm stinking. Don't touch me. ” said Saint.

“ Whatever it is. Just remember Saint I love you to the core. I will never let you go away from me. Let's face everything together. ” said Zee holding Saint's plam tightly.

“ What are you talking about P. I know that you love me. ” said dumb Saint.

“ We need to visit the doctor Saint. Let's go. ” Zee saint and went to grab his car keys.

Zee had guessed it right. Saint was pregnant. Saint was not certain if Zee wants to keep the baby or not. After all Saint was pregnant after their first time. He badly wanted to keep the baby.

Zee hugged Saint tightly after they got out of the doctor's office.

“ I will speak to our parents about this. ” said Zee.
Saint was still keeping his serious looks. His brain was not processing. All he wanted to hear was keeping the baby. After seeing no response form Saint, Zee was confused if Saint wants to keep the baby or not. He cupped his face and spoke gently.

“ Saint... I love you to the core. I want to speak to our parents about our marriage. I badly want this baby of ours. What do you think? Speak  Saint.”

After hearing the words of keeping the baby Saint's face lit up. This was all he wanted to hear from Zee. He hugged him tightly.

“ I want the baby too. ” he said and smiled.

ZeesSaint got married after two weeks of this incident. They got new apartment and stayed there happily.


After few more months.

Prem's due date had finally come. Mewgulf were in Germany because of their business meetings. Mewgulf had put ZeesSaint and BounPrem on conference video call.

By now Saint's baby bump was too big though it was just 5 months. The doctor had told that they were having twins.

ZeesSaint and Mewgulf filled confidence before sending Prem into the operation theatre. Boun was tensed. He just wanted his wife and his baby to be healthy and perfectly fine. All he did through out the operation was praying. It was a bit complicated case. Hence the doctors decided to conduct ceaserean.

After some time the doctors got out and informed Boun that it's a baby boy and both wife and the baby are perfectly fine. He hurriedly rushed to see his wife. But Boun was still unconscious. He placed a sweet kiss on his forehead. The nurse informed him that he could see his son now. He went into the ward and saw his cute little self. He took him in his hands and placed a kiss on his forehead as well.

“ Thank you for not hurting your Papa my boy. ” said Boun and kissed him again.

After few hours when Prem was conscious and perfectly fine,  the first name that got out of his mouth was “ P' Boun” .

Prem was really happy to see his son and and his husband. The nurse placed the baby boy in his harms and left the room. Boun came forward, caressed his wife's head gently and kissed his lips gently.


Mewgulf were back and now it was time for Saint to deliver the baby. Though it wasn't a complicated case the doctors still decided to do ceaserean since there were two babies.

Mewgulf were waiting outside the operation ward. Zee was in along with Saint. He almost cried in front of the doctors to allow him into the operation theatre. The doctors were kind hearted and they allowed Zee in.

TayNew were also there along with Saint's parents. They were tensed to hell.

Saint had delivered a baby boy and a baby girl. Both of them were equally cute. Zee was asked to stop kissing his wife by TayNew so that Saint would get some rest.
But no!!! Zee is Zee he continued kissing his wife while Saint was feeding his both babies.

ZeesSaint were on headlines for almost a week

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ZeesSaint were on headlines for almost a week.
The very famous author, best author award winner had become father of two twin babies. Reporters were not allowed in so they could not get the photos of babies. So the news channels satisfied themselves by broadcasting the wedding images of ZeesSaint.


Both ZeesSaint and BounPrem had become parents. Now it was the turn of Mewgulf.

Mewgulf were in much more love everytime they saw the babies. Few drops tears would drop down everytime Gulf saw babies. Mew didn't know the cause. He didn't even ask. What secret was Gulf holding from Mew??
Thank you so much for reading and supporting me. I really love you guys....

I had told that I will ship even BounPrem and ZeesSaint in this story . So decided to write this chapter. This story is going to end soon. So I wanted to give a satisfying end to this two couples.

Hope you enjoyed this.

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