General Avitabil ( italy) -9

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When these Frenchmen were ready at the appointed places, the people of Peshawar saw fifty murderers and thugs hanging by the ropes of these gallows the next morning. I continued this process until the murderers The bandits were not finished. 

After that I turned my attention to false rumours and myths.  They used to frighten people by telling baseless stories.  I thought it was a punishment for them to cut out their tongues.  In those days, there was a riot going on, saying that he could revive the severed tongues and make them able to speak.

I imprisoned him that day and cut off his tongue in front of me.  After this all was quiet in Peshawar.  "Reading the old writings, it is clear that Avital not only used the death penalty to stop the killings, but sometimes he also used another amazing method which seems very harsh nowadays.

  It was as if the accused who had killed a man, by the order of Avitabil, the murderer was taken to an open field, preached in all the markets that day, and thousands of spectators were gathered there alone.  Then, in front of them, the accused would be buried in the ground by digging a fowa in it.

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