Chapter one

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Authors note:
Okay so before we start this story, english is not my native language so I apologize if there are any mistakes. This is also my first story on wattpad ever so like i still have to figure it out a bit. Also for this story imagine every sidemen has a girlfriend except for Ethan and Harry, now onto the story.
Little background story:
The main character is Alessia, she is 23 years old and was born in the Netherlands. She currently lives in Londen for her work ( you'll find out what she does later on). She lives with her best friend Yade in a pretty nice appartment. They have a close friend group of 5 but you'll find that out later on!

**ALARM AT 7:00**
I hear my alarm and wake up confused, I quickly press the snooze button to make my phone shut up. 5 more minutes I think, before i throw away my phone across the room. I hated getting up early but it was the only way I would be productive in any way, if not I would just lay around in bed till noon. 10 minutes go by and my alarm goes off again, this time Yade heard it as well. " SHUT UP IM TRYING TO SLEEP" Yade yells. I chuckle and wake up yawning . I quickly try to get my phone since the alarm was very loud. As I press the stop button I walk over to my wardrobe to pick out some comfortable clothes to go to the gym. I actually loved going to the gym, I mean I was never really fat or anything my body always looked ok. However I was never really satisfied with how my body looked. When I was 18 I started working out to tone my body more and to become more confident, it actually helped a lot.

"Hmm. What should I wear" I said quietly to myself. I look at my wardrobe and see nothing really comfy so I look on the floor and see my pastel purple sweatpants. That will do actually! I decided I would just go with the shirt I slept in and a black sweater over it. Once I got dressed I get to the kitchen and make a morning shake with protein powder.  I quickly drink the shake and search for my airpods while I put on my playlist with calming music. I never really eat in the morning otherwise i'd vomit after doing some excercise. I leave our appartment and start walking to the gym.

It was a 25-minute walk, once I arrived the gym looked pretty empty. I head inside and saw 4 other people working out. I only brought my phone, my wallet and a towel so I didnt need a locker and headed straight to the treadmill to warm up a bit more. I always pay attention to people I see so I looked around and saw 2 girls working out togheter near the crosstrainer. They were clearly talking about a guy who was lifting weights in the corner. He looked very handsome and fit, kind of my type. They were very obviously taking pictures of him. I kinda felt bad, what if they were making fun of him? Once i was done on the treadmill I head over to the girls and ask them politely why they were taking pictures of him.

They looked pretty friendly and explained to me while whispering  that he was a very famous YouTuber. The girls said that they found out he works out here sometimes and decided to come here every day to try and meet him. I think they were whispering because other than the music the gym played it was very quiet. I didnt really care so I laughed loudly and said: " Maybe u should ask him for a picture not to be mean but u guys were very obviously taking pictures of him, might as well ask for one!". The girls looked at me with their eyes wide open. The guy in the corner looks over at us and grins. Oops... I might have been a bit to loud. Then again its not my fault I thought they were making fun of him. " She's right you know, I saw u guys taking pictures of me, not that I mind. Do you guys want a picture? " he smiles. " OMG! OMG! ETHAN PAYNE JUST TALKED TO US" I heard the girls saying while fangirling. They froze." Go on, take a picture with him" I laugh. He locks eyes with me and smiles. I was walking back to the gym equipment and heard the girls screaming and taking pictures with him.

I kinda ignored them for the rest of my workout. Not that I was trying to be mean or anything but I wouldnt be able to finish my work-out in time. I noticed him watching me as I lifted weights but I was vibing too hard to my music to care. The 2 girls were kind of "following" him around. With following I mean that they were literally doing the excercise closest to him each time. I had just finished lifting weights and I texted Yade.

I gathered my things and saw the guy walking up to me

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I gathered my things and saw the guy walking up to me. I was really in my feelings because I was listening to sad songs so I just walked another direction as he approached. I headed towards the exit and saw him in the corner of my eye turning around and looking at me as I walked away, he looked confused. The girls behind him were looking at me with a mean gaze. I looked at my phone, Yade hasnt answered yet. I guess she's still asleep even though its like 9:30 or something. Whilst heading home i stop at a little bakery and get some breakfast for the two of us.

I walked in our appartment and see Yade who had just woken up. "I bought us breakfast" I said. " yess thank u I just saw ur message but i figured it was too late" she said while yawning. " So! What are u gonna wear tonight?" She said. I looked at her with a frown and said nothing. " Dont tell me u forgot Ophelias bday? We are going clubbing remember?" I looked at my phone to check the date. Fuck. She is right. " Yeah yeah I forgot okay u know i'm not good at remembering bdays" I said. I went on my phone and quickly sent Ophelia a text, wishing her a happy birthday and saying I cant wait till tonight. I hear Yade laugh at how dumb I was forgetting something like that.

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