Chapter seven

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I was unsure about what to do, I want to sleep with him but I also don't want this to be a onenightstand. I look at my phone it would take 30mins for an uber to get here. He looks at me with a smile while he waits for my answer. We stood there for a good minute which felt like a very long time. His smile slowly faded. " okay" I say. He looks at me in disbelief " Okay? Lets go!" he says smiling again. I laugh at his reaction. "It's just a 15min walk from here" he says. I was excited, my heart beat was uncontrollable. I didn't know what to do if we were at his place. Maybe he expects us to have sex? Although he did say I could sleep on the sofa. I dont want to sleep on the sofa, but maybe I should. Ugh why am I overthinking this, he probably just wants a onenightstand, or maybe he's just a good guy and won't let me go home alone this late. All these thoughts go through my head as we walk to his place. We start chatting and he grabs my hand casually while we walk.

We arrive at this very big building, he opens the door and pulls me into the elevator "Its on the 10th floor" he whispers before we enter. The sexual tension between us was real, I wanted him to make a move in the elevator but he didn't. I was very tired and just wanted to sleep by now actually, I think he's tired too because as soon as we got into the elevator we both didn't say a thing. We arrive at the 10th floor, he lets go of my hand and opens the door to his flat. Woah. What a beautiful place, he must really earn a lot with YouTube. I walk to the big windows. " This view is amazing, you can see whole Londen from up here!" I say. " Yeah I still haven't gotten used to it" he grins. " So do u want something to drink or eat? Or do u just wanna go sleep right away" he says. "A glass of wine before bed sounds nice" I say. He laughs and goes into the kitchen while I sit on his sofa. I quickly check my phone and see a couple of unread messages. Oh shit, I forgot to text Yade and Ophelia. I quickly text them that i've arrived home safely, I didn't want to tell the truth yet. Ethan comes sitting next to me with 2 glasses of wine and hands one over.

We talk and laugh for a while. I suddenly realize we are sitting very close to each other. It's quiet as we lock eyes. Suddenly he leans in and looks at my lips. I put my lips on his and we start kissing passionately. Without breaking the kiss I push him down and sit on top of him. His hands smoothly slide to my hips. I felt him having a boner whilst I sat on top of him. He was eagerly kissing me and I decided to stop to tease him. He looks at me with his eyes wide open and I could see the lust in his eyes. I grin and he grabs my face to kiss me again. We made out for a while and I remove his shirt. He began to remove my crop top but halfway through he stopped.  I stopped kissing him and looked at him confusingly.   "Sorry did that ruin the mood?" he says. I look at him still confused. Why would he make out with me but not want to go any further? " Uhm it kinda did but thats okay, i'm tired anyway" i say while getting off him and sitting next to him. " it's just that I feel like we have a connection and I dont want to have sex with u right away if that makes sense?" he says. I get excited but I hide it. So he likes me like that too. Even though we just met. My heart was racing. I smile at him as I see him looking at me with a loving smile. " That definitely makes sense, I feel the same way" i say. He smiles again, " Okay, if u want to sleep u can sleep on my bed the sheets are clean i'll sleep on the sofa. And if u want to change into something comfortable u can use my shirt and some shorts if u'd like! I'll show you where my room is." he says as he stands up to walk over to his room. I follow him and see a massive bedroom with a big bed. It looked kind of cosy. He goes over to his closet and gives me a shirt with the letters "SDMN" on it. I had no clue which brand it was but I saw a lot of it in his closet. Maybe he was sponsored by them. I start removing my crop top right in front of him. I liked to tease him a bit. At first he didn't notice because he was looking for shorts. As he found the shorts and hands them over to me he looks at me with a shocking face.  " I'm sorry wait i'll turn around" he says as he turns around. I laugh. I go over to him and turn him back around facing me. I start removing my pants and he starts checking me out. " U have a very nice body did u know that" he says. I laugh and put the shirt and the shorts on. He was smiling the whole time. He comes over to me and kisses me. His lips felt very soft. He stops and whispers " goodnight if u need anything u know where to find me " in my ear. I laugh and hop on his bed. It was a very comfortable bed.

After about 10 minutes I get an idea. I stand up and sneak to the living room, he was on his phone. Good so he isn't a sleep yet. He hears me walking over to him and sits straight up. " Something wrong?" he says. I just walk over to him with a smile and grab his hand. He smiles at me and I lead him to his bedroom. He looked very hot in just his boxers. " We can sleep togheter without having sex" I say while entering the bedroom. " I thought u'd never ask" he says. I laugh. We lay on his bed next to each other and he wraps his arms around me. His arms felt very muscular. We both fell asleep after talking for a bit.

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