Chapter eight

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I woke up yawning with Ethans arms still around me. I stayed there laying for a while deciding what I should do. I had a lot of work things to do before tomorrow so I kinda had to leave. I knew he wouldn't wake up for a while because he was pretty tired. I carefully removed his arms from me without waking him up. I was still wearing his t-shirt. I actually did not want to wake him up so I just took a piece of paper and wrote my number on it with a text " Had to go, text me :)". I put it on his nightstand. I tip toe out of his room while taking my clothes that were on the floor. I took my phone and texted Yade: " How was your night? ;)". I put my clothes on and decided to just keep the shirt as it was pretty cold for just a crop top and a jacket. Im certain there we'll meet again so i'll just give it back later on.

I chose to walk to my flat to get some exercise in for the day. As I arrived home my phone ran out of battery , I quickly go into my room and charge my phone. Yade was still at Harrys I guess because the flat was just like we left it yesterday. I go into the kitchen and make myself something to eat. I was very tired but I had to get a few things done. I drag myself behind my laptop and start writing some reports. I hear the door open and look at the time. Holy shit i've been here for hours. I turn around and see Yade. Finally! I run up to her to ask her all about her night. Actually wait, why wasn't she home before me? I guess this wasn't just a one night stand for her either. She looks at me excitingly " SO HOW WAS YOUR NIGHT? How is he in bed?" She starts asking a lot of questions. " No actually we did not have sex, we just slept togheter and even that was amazing! Now! How was your night? I'm guessing it wasn't just a one night thing since u spent the day there! " I answer. She looks a bit shocked. " Wait what? If -" I stopped here before she could finish her sentence. " JUST TELL ME ABOUT YOUR NIGHT ALREADY!" I yell. I wanted to change the subject because I was kind of confused as well. She starts talking all about het night with Harry. They did have sex but then spend the whole day togheter. She also met his roommates who sounded pretty nice. We sat at our sofa for a while catching up on how our nights went.

After a while Yade fell asleep, I guess she was up all night. I start laughing quietly. I get up to my room to see if Ethan has already send me a message. Yes he did! I don't know why I was so happy. I normally don't get this excited over a guy, especially if I just met him. Before I looked at his message I put his phone number in my phone. " Unfortunate to wake up alone because I really had a great time last night!" It said. I was thinking for a while about what I should reply, maybe I should mess with him first. I start laughing.

I immediately got a message back

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I immediately got a message back. So I also answered fast, normally I wouldn't answer this quickly but with him I got way too excited to wait.

We were chatting for hours

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We were chatting for hours. My heart beating fast the whole time. I go back to the living room after a while and see Yade made us some dinner. " So when are u meeting up with Harry again? I say. She smiles " Me, Harry, Callux and Calfreezy are hanging out at their place tomorrow, actually u should come too!" she says. " No no need I have to work anyway tomorrow" I answer. " Come on? U only have to work during the day, we made plans in the evening. And also I want some alone time with Harry!" She says. I laugh. Now I know why she wants me to come! With his friends there she wouldn't have alone time with him. " fine, i'll tag along! But remember this for when I need a favour!" I say. She smiles and starts texting someone. I'm guessing she is texting Harry to say i'm coming too. I suddenly got a face time call from Ethan. Shit I look really bad, I start putting on some natural makeup really fast and start combing my hair. After about 5 minutes I rush to my room and call him back. Every time I see him he looks even better then before.
We start talking and laughing all night.

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