Chapter two

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Note: Forget to tell that there are 5 girls in their friend group: Yade, Alessia, Ophelia, Lika and Kiran.
——————————————————————————-Its currently 18:00, we watched movies all day since it was Saturday and neither of us had to go to work. I glance at my watch, " At what time were the girls coming to pick us up?" I asked Yade. She ignores me because she was really into the movie we were watching. Wait lemme check the group chat i think. I go on whatsapp and check our group chat." Whoa, 100 unread messages" I look at the most recent ones.

The girlies
@Yade @Alessia answer!!! At what time do we have to come pick u up? Is 20:30 okay?
Oi they probs sleeping
Well lets just pick 'em up at 20:30 I think im not gonna drink 2nite so i'll drive!
Woah there its my bday u have to drink
Ey yo there's gotta be 1 responsible person in this group!! Plus alcohol fucked me up the last time not having that again
booooo 👎🏼👎🏼 ey yo Yade and Alessia y'all better be ready @20:30

Chill we were just watching some movies
dw! We'll be ready at 20:30
Yesss KIRAN QUEEN, we dont have to take a cab then 🥳🥳

I laugh loudly about what I just read. " They are going to pick us up at 20:30, and Kiran won't be drinking so we dont need a cab!" I said smiling. Yade looks at me and just gestures with her hand that its okay. I get off the couch and go to my room. What should I wear? I look at my closet and search for my black ripped skinny jeans. Once I found them i search a cute croptop that shows my abs nicely.
I grab a towel and head in the shower. I put music on my phone loudly so I can sing in the shower. I was singing very loud " YOU STAY ON MY MIND THINK ABOUT U ALL THE TIME LALALALALA". Suddenly I hear Yade entering the bathroom. " watcha doing i'm showering" I ask. I mean she has seen me naked several times so I dont really care.
" I'm gonna do my make-up, you know its already 20:00? You've been in the shower for almost 2 hours you doughnut." She grins. " what??? Why didnt u say so??" I pause. " wait it doesn't really matter i can literally get ready in 10minutes, but you cant!" I laugh. " Well luckily I already showered before u because I knew this would happen" she laughs. I get out of the shower and start drying myself off with a towel.

I grab my make-up bag from the bathroom and rush to my room. I look at my phone and see that Ophelia has send me a message. I opened the message " We are leaving in 5 minutes okay?" I read. I answer quickly and start calculating, okay so she send that 3 minutes ago and its a 20-minute ride to our flat. Which means I have 23 minutes to get ready! " THEY'RE GONNA BE HERE IN 23' YADE" I yell. I can hear her screaming " OKAYY I'LL BE READY". I put on my skinny jeans and the crop top, then I look at my shoes. I think im going to wear sneakers, I grab my converse X cdg's all stars and put them on.

I start blow-drying my hair, i have naturally brown curly hair so I decided to straighten my hair for tonight. After that I put on my make-up, I chose for a natural look since i'm not planning on doing anything special except for partying with my girls. I look at my watch 18:29, okay they should be here any minute I think. I grab my little handbag that I recently purchased and search for a matching jacket. As I grab a cute black puffer jacket I hear the doorbell ring. " I'LL OPEN IT " I yell.

I open the door and see the 3 girls standing at the doorway. They look so frigging cute. I scan them all, Ophelia the birthday girl is wearing a very cute tight pink dress with, Lika is wearing a chino and a cute top, Kiran is wearing skinny blue jeans with a laced top! "ALESSIAAAAA" they yell. " GIRLS! Long time no see!!!" I say smiling. They enter our flat and I greet everyone with a kiss and a hug, Ophelia gets 3 kisses since its her bday! " I think Yade's still getting ready but we can already order food!" I said. Lika looks at me and says "Good idea!", I hear Ophelia saying "finally i'm hungry". Kiran just laughs at the fact that Yade's not ready yet.

Our idea is to order some food, pre-drink a bit and leave for the club around 21:00. We reserved a table in the VIP-section at the club so we wouldn't be bothered and can do what we want! There are a lot of famous people we are hoping to meet since we are going to one of the most expensive clubs in Londen. It was pretty expensive to get a table in the VIP-section and we had to reserve 5 months in advance! Luckily we planned this a long time ago.

We decide to order pizza and I open a bottle of red wine. We all talk and catch-up with each other with a glass of wine. About 30 minutes later Yade finally comes out of her room, she is also wearing jeans since we all agreed only the birthday girl is going to wear a dress! She looks cute, we all compliment her. She greets the other girls and grabs a glass of wine. As she sat down the bell rang. I hear Kiran immediately saying " pizza!!!!!!". Yade gets up to open the door, she comes back with the pizzas. We all eat togheter and drink wine while we talk about life and how things are going. We also start playing drinking games so we get a bit tipsy.

Authors note:
Let me know what u guys think about the chapters! Should I make them longer? They are now about 1,000 words each. Give me some feedback :)) next chapter will be in the club.

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