Chapter six

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As we walk outside with Elisa we see the two cars ready to leave right in front of the club. Harry was waiting outside the car for us. " where have u guys been? We've been waiting for over 10 minutes. Also whos that girl?" he says. " Yeah sorry, Alessias not coming with us she's going to take her friend home since theres no place in the car" Yade answers. Harry looks at me weirdly, " r u sure your alright? Otherwise I can get Ethan to come too u know? He'd be more than happy to accompany you. I think he'd already be out of the car if he knew you were coming as well. But I haven't said anything yet, they think we r waiting on some other friends" Harry said while laughing. I quickly take a look at the car and see Ethan on his phone and sitting next to that girl from earlier. "No, i'm good! But thanks anyway, have fun with Yade" I wink. I give Yade a kiss and start walking away with Elisa's arm over my shoulder. I turn my head to look at Yade again and I suddenly lock eyes with Ethan. He looked a bit shocked but I kept going. I take Elisas phone and start looking up her adress everywhere. I open google maps and press home. Finally! I found it. Not too bad its only 5-6 blocks away, I can carry her there if she cant walk anymore.

Ethans pov
As we leave I go in the car with Tobi since I saw Cal go in Vik's car. I was pretty sure Lena would just follow Cal there. Guess what? I was wrong as soon as I sat in the backseat of the car Lena comes sitting next to me. Whats wrong with this girl? I've literally told her a 100 times that we are just friends. I dont even think we're friends but what else can I say. I take my phone and try to ignore her. Why cant she take a hint? She keeps talking. We've been waiting in the car for about 10 mins. Who the fuck are we waiting for? I heard Harry say we're waiting on two of his mates but I had no idea who. Simon is sitting in the front seat next to Tobi. I hear him say " Ethan and Lena are going to have fun in the backseat if Harry's mates arent coming" he and Tobi start laughing. " fuck off lads" I say. Lena just agrees with him and tries to talk dirty to me. Harry waves at Tobi that we can finally leave, I can see Harry getting in Vik's car with Yade. Wait if he's with Yade the other friend must be Alessia! As I look outside to see if Alessia's with them I can see her walking away with a girl who can clearly not walk by herself. We made eye contact and she walked away. Tobi had just started riding. " WAIT STOP THE CAR" I yell. Tobi hits the brakes, " what the fuck is your problem" I open my door. " just go without me i'll text u guys later" I quickly get out of the car. Tobi, Simon and Lena all look confused at me but I signal with my hand that they can leave whilst I run after Alessia.

Alessias pov
Elisa is pretty heavy. I mean it feels as if i'm carrying a dead body. I take her bag and look for her keys. As I found them I feel her body getting lighter. Wait what. I look up and see Ethan next to Elisa carrying her other arm around his shoulder. He smiles. "You know its kind of dangerous to just walk home with her, how will u even get home after, by yourself?" He says. I think it's kinda cute that he's worried. " I can take care of myself, i'd just get an uber" I say. He looks at me with a kind of worried look. " That's dangerous, luckily i'm here" he smiles. " You think ur stronger than me huh! I bet I can lift more weights than u" I laugh. I know he would most definitely beat me at lifting weights but I had fun teasing him. He starts laughing" We might have to test that out in the gym." All of the sudden he starts flexing with his free arm. " These babies don't just come by itself" I start laughing. After that we were just quiet, it felt a bit awkward. " That girl from earlier is Lena. She's Cals best friend and- " he starts saying. Before he can finish his sentence I interrupt him. " No u dont have to explain yourself. It doesn't matter that much" I say. "No but I want to we were having a great time and she interrupted us, I was very drunk one night and we made out but I regretted it afterwards and shes been a pain in the ass ever since" he says. I just smile. " So who is this girl and what happened?" He asks. " she's my old high school friend, I hadn't seen her in 5 years. She was clearly intoxicated earlier on and with wrong people. I stayed with her till I found her friend but when we wanted to leave I saw her just alone and in a bad condition, so I couldn't just leave her there" I say. We continue to talk and laugh.

After about 30 minutes Elisa starts sobering up, I gave her a bottle of water I had and she was able to walk again. " Huh what am I doing here what happened" she says confusingly, she looks around and stares at Ethan. " wait aren't u that one YouTuber what the fuck am I doing here" she says. I laugh a little, I could tell Ethan didn't care he was just staring at me. He looked tired. " U were passed out so we brought u home, I wanted to call an ambulance but I know u took drugs" I say. " i'm so sorry! Did I ruin ur guys night?? Im glad u did not call an ambulance!" She starts ranting and doesn't stop talking about how sorry and grateful she is. Ethan looks at me weirdly. We just arrived at what I think is her flat. " It's okay ur home now, this is ur flat rightttt?" I ask. " Yes it is, thanks again and i'm so sorry" she says again. " its fine i'm sure u would do the same for me, your roommate is kind of an ass if she just left u alone" I say. " Yeah ur right, I will reconsider living here but for now im just very tired" she says. She walks up to her front door and waves at us " I'll text u" she yells. Ethan kept quit this whole time. We wait till she opens her door and is actually inside.

He turns to me " Wow! She is a hand full" he says. He is kinda right, she changed a lot since the last time I saw her. " Yeah! But her heart is on the right place" I grab my phone and try looking for an uber. Ethan looks with me on my phone, " You could just stay at mine you know, I mean i live nearby" he says. I look at him with a frown. " I will ofcourse sleep on the sofa and u can take the bed" he adds. I mean I really like him, and I kinda wanna have sex with him.

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