Chapter five

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Ethan sighed, he turned his face to the girl. "What?" He said in a frustrating tone. I had already removed my hands from his neck and tried moving a little away from him, I couldn't because he kept his hand on my waist. I smiled at the thought that he didn't let go. " Simon is looking for u Ethan, and I've been waiting for u too" the girl said. She looked kind of pretty and was wearing a very tight short black dress with lots of makeup on.Who is this girl? I immediately began to regret opening myself up, he is probably a fuckboy. He did not seem like one but he is good looking, funny, rich and probably could get any girl he wanted. He turned his body facing the girl, he removed his hand from my waist and put it on my thigh. "I'm kind of busy here tell Simon to fuck off" he said. I smiled at the fact that he didn't want to leave. The girl looks mad " He said it's an emergency" she said. I saw him getting frustrated and I was not really feeling like having some sort of drama. I mean I did really like him, and I was very attracted to him. Damn I really wanted to sleep with him. But it wasnt worth the effort nor the drama. " And i've been waiting for u as well, I wanna dance with u" the girl said only looking at him and ignoring me completely. They started arguing about how he explained to her multiple times that he was not into her like that, she was not having it. From what I heard it seemed as if they slept togheter or kissed I dont know but she was really into him. "I think I might just leave u guys alone" I say. Ethan looks at me with a sad look. " No wait don't" he says. His hand was still on my thigh and I actually did not want him to let go. I moved my face closer to his and whispered in his ear " If its faith like u said, we'll meet again." I got up and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. He started to blush. It felt a bit cringy to say but I was drunk so I didn't really care much. As I got up and walked away I heard the girl say " finally we got rid of that hoe". I really wanted to turn around and just punch her but I really dont want to get in a fight. I heard Ethan yell at her about how thats not true and how immature she was. I smiled and just walked away.

I went to go look for Yade, as I was looking for Yade I didn't really see any of the other girls. After about 5 minutes I found her in the corner of the dance floor making out with Harry. I actually did not want to interrupt her they looked like they were having fun. I realise I haven' checked my phone al night so I go to the bar and order a cocktail with little alcohol in it since I already drank a lot. I open my purse and take my phone out. Woah 12 missed calls from Ophelia and 6 unread messages.

 Woah 12 missed calls from Ophelia and 6 unread messages

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As I read the message I start smiling. I do wonder how the fuck we are getting home but I guess Yade has an idea. I look around in the club and see another familiar face approaching me. Fuck. My old best friend from high school." AR- " I quickly just say shhhhhh. " My names Alessia now". She frowns and looks confused. "What the fuck are u talking about". " I changed my name and moved here, i'll explain it to u later. So what r u doing here!!" I quickly tried to change the conversation. Luckily she just started talking about herself and about how she just moved here. " Yeah I don't really have any friends here so I tagged along with some guys I met earlier" she says. " Elisa thats kind of dangerous" she clearly looks intoxicated with drugs. " No dont worry i'm also here with my roommate, she knows them I think!" I decide to giver her my number, " i'm going to put my new number in ur phone okay? Just text me if u need anything" I say while I grab her phone and put my number in it. I stay and chat with her for a while. Her guy friends start joining us and they were quite arrogant and unfriendly, I wanted to leave but I couldn't just leave her there alone.

Ethans pov
I was so frustrated, I was so close to kissing her. At first I just wanted to have a one night stand with her but I dont know something feels different. Like I dont wanna sleep with her right away, I wanna get to know her first. I found out Simon didn't even have an emergency, Lena saw me getting close with Alessia and didn't like it. I really regret ever making out with her, she's been a pain in the ass ever since, I was just really drunk and she was just trying to turn me on while teasing me all night. I didn't have sex for months so I just started making out with her we didn't even sleep togheter and yet she won't leave me alone. Its Cal's best friend so I cant really get rid off her either. I had argued with her for half an hour that she had to stop doing things like that.

After a while I was kind of sad because I had the perfect opportunity with Alessia and Lena fucked it up for me. As I walked back to our table I see harry getting it with Yade. Well done mate. I go sit with Jj and Tobi. I saw Alessia at the bar talking to a girl and some guys, it made me feel jealous even though I have only known her for a day. She did not look like she was enjoying herself but I couldn't exactly just go up to her.

Alessias pov
I start texting Yade.

I lowkey hope this means I get to see Ethan again but who knows

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I lowkey hope this means I get to see Ethan again but who knows. Maybe hes going home with that girl or has other plans. A girl that I assume is Elisa's roommate, joins us. Okay! Finally I can leave. " Elisa its about 5:00 i'm leaving but text me if u need anything okay?" I say before I leave to go find Yade. Yade was on her phone sitting at our table alone. " Whatsup girl, why arent u with Ethan?" She says as she sees me come sit next to her. "i actually had the best fucking time with him until some random girl came and ruined it all, doesn't matter tho. U know know I dont need guys to have fun. Anyway, wheres ur harry" I said teasingly. She starts blushing, " Wait am I seeing this correctly? A blushing Yade!" I say while laughing. " No! I think we're just going to be fuckbuddies, he's checking with the boys to see when we're leaving. Tobi and Vik are sober so they can drive. I think we can choose which car we want to sit. I know where i'm sitting" she says. " why can I only imagine u sitting on Harrys lap" I say and laugh. " no no, theres a lot of police outside at this time, so no lap-sitting till we're at his place" she says. I start laughing. I'm glad there are 2 spots left for us, I really hate getting an uber in Londen, idk I just dont find it safe. " I got a text from Harry, Vik and Tobi are getting their cars to drive up front, they are waiting for us outside" Yade says. " okay! Lets grab our stuff" I add. " Chop! Chop, Harry just send me a text, they are already inside the cars and waiting for us"

As we head towards the exit we hear someone vomiting right beside the exit. Yade ignores it but I take a quick look and see its Elisa. "Yade wait.. I know her I can't just leave her like that" I say with a sad voice. "What do u wanna do? Theres literally no place for her in the cars" she adds. " You know, she lives here nearby I think i'll just walk home with her. Im not okay with just leaving her here." I say. I see Yade shaking her head, " No, ur not walking alone with her i'm coming too then, and how would u get home if i'd let u go alone?" she says. " Yade, she literally lives 2 blocks away dont worry, and for myself i'll just take an uber" I kinda lied, I had no fucking idea where Elisa lived but I knew Yade wouldn't let me go alone with her and I really didn't want to ruin her night. Yade nods as a signal that its okay. " U better text me every 10mins or when you dont feel safe" she says. " Definitely!" I add. We start walking towards Elisa and pick her up, she was clearly on the verge of passing out. I think she didn't even realize that we were taking her somewhere, this is too dangerous. I want to call an ambulance but if I do they'll call the police and she took drugs, I dont want to get her in trouble. I put Elisas arm on my shoulder and Yade puts the other one on hers too so we can walk her out.

Authors note
This chapter is pretty long but I have a lot of inspiration, hope u guys dont mind long chapters!

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