Chapter three

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Its around 21:30, we were having so much fun that we lost track of time. " Wow its already 21:30?? How fast does time go!! I actually already had so much fun" Ophelia says. Lika replies " dont worry the fun's about to begin" . We all cheered. "Lets leave!" I say. " kiran I love u for being the responsible one tonight I dont really trust cabs" I add. She smiles " LETS GOO, I can have fun without alcohol! " She adds. I grab my purse and jacket and quickly refresh my make-up. I was pretty tipsy already, I love being tipsy it makes me feel as if I can do anything I want and be confident to do whatever I want. "Alessia we are waiting come on" I hear Yade yell. I turn around and see that everyone has left the flat already. I quickly grab our keys and follow them outside to our car.

Once I get to the car I see everyone already inside the car, I go to the back seat and sit next to Lika and Yade. The birthday girl obviously shotgunned the front seat and the aux cord! As she plays music we all start singing along with the songs she was playing. I was enjoying myself a lot and the night had yet to begun. I looked at the GPS and saw that we were 2 blocks away from the club. As we approached the street its in I can already see a very long line that almost filled the entire street. "Woah, im glad we planned this far ahead and were able to reserve a VIP-table" Kiran says as we look for a parking spot nearby. " Girls we are going to get hammered" I hear Ophelia say. Yade and I both cheer as loud as we could.

We found a parking spot about 2 streets away from the club itself. We all get out and start walking towards the club. Ophelia, Lika and Yade were walking in front of Kiran and I. "So no alcohol huh!" I say to Kiran. " Alessia u should know that u don't need alcohol to have fun" she laughs. " well it does make it more fun" I grin. "So, are u finally going to have some fun with a guy" she winks. I look at her confusingly " What do u mean?" I ask. " Well I have known u for 3 years and I have only heard u talk about 2 guys u slept with! For how fucking long havent u gotten laid??" She laughs. Everyone heard her so Lika Yade and Ophelia stop walking and turn around. I look at them with eyes wide open. They start laughing as loud as they could. " Kiran is right u know, u should get laid tonight" Ophelia says. " Oii Ophelia it's literally your birthday ur the one who should get laid." I smile. " dont worry! I will Dylan is coming later on tonight" Ophelia adds. Dylan is Ophelias boyfriend, quite a nice guy but not my type. Everyone in our group has a boyfriend expect for Yade and I. Not that I mind, men are trash anyway! The reason i've been single for the past three years is due to a very bad relationship I had with my ex. He cheated on me several times which just made me hate men. And Yade... she has a fuckbuddy now and then but nothing serious.

" Ophelia! I thought it was a girls night tonight!" Yade says dissapointed. I looked at Ophelia and see her smile. Then I notice Kiran and Lika giggling. " No, dont tell me u all invited ur boyfriends" I say in disbelief. They al just giggle. " come on guys!!! What about Yade and I!" I say. " You see... it wasnt really intended, our boyfriends were hanging out togheter and while we were drinking earlier i accidently invited them, but they are coming around 00:00 so dont worry we still have time for girls night! And you and Yade will just have to find a guy in the club!" Lika says. " plenty of guys there!" Kiran adds. I didnt care if their boyfriends were coming actually, they were pretty nice guys. I could tell that Yade didn't like it, I understand why but its Ophelia's bday and we will have a few hours before they come. Yade and I make eye contact, we both say at the same time that its okay!

We start walking again and arrive at the club. We pass the long line and go straight to the bouncer. Ophelia shows the bouncer our reservations and he lets us in. I can hear the line behind us being mad that they let us in. We entered the club and the place was packed! It was filled with people dancing and sweating. We see a whole crowd in front of the vip-entrance, we make our way through and once again Ophelia shows our reservations. As I walk in the vip-section I notice a lot of girls yelling things and trying to get in. At this point I was just glad we made reservations up front. Another bouncer shows us our way to our table. As we walk to our table I look around a bit. Suddenly I see a pretty familiar face. I look him in the eyes from a distance to try and think where i could know him from. It was the guy from the gym! He sat at a table with 7 other guys (Callux, Jj, Tobi, Vik, Harry, Josh and Simon) and some girls. He probably noticed me staring because we locked eyes. He looks surprised at first but then winks. I smile back and quickly look away as we sit at our table.

" Well well it seems as if Alessia already found a fuckbuddy" Yade says. "Where do u know him from? He looks fucking hot" Ophelia adds. I give Yade a friendly push and say "Argh shut up, I recognise that guy from the gym. Didnt I tell u about that?" She looks at me with a frustrating look. " No u did not what happened?" I start laughing " There were some girls fangirling about him apparently he is famous? A YouTuber or something. But lets not talk about boys for a while before its too late!" I say. Yade wanted to say something but I quickly changed the subject. " SO WHAT DO U GUYS WANNA DRINK" I ask fastly and loudly before Yade could say something. Yade frowned. Everyone just looked at me in silence wanting me to finish my story. I assume its because I mentioned he is a celebrity. "Jeez, 4 shots and 1 cola light it is, losers!" I say as I get up to go to the bar.

While I leave I hear the girls talking about it and being confused. I go up to the bar and order 4 shots of jägermeister and 1 diet coke, I also ordered 4 beers since the shots would be downed in no time. While I wait and look at my hands I hear a familiar voice. " 1 rum & coke please" a guy says. I turn my head. Fuck. Its the guy from the gym and he looks even better up close. He looks at me. " So where do I know u from" he says. " This morning. The gym" I said shortly. He was fucking hot but I wasnt going to drop the girls for the first guy I see. " Ahh. U were the girl that thought they were laughing at me" he says while laughing. I look at him. " yeah.. wel i didnt really and actually stil dont know who u are. My bad!" He chuckles. I think he liked the fact that I had no idea who he was. " i'm Ethan" he says. " Alessia" I answer. " Its a pleasure to meet u Alessia" he winks. I noticed that my drinks were ready so I grabbed them. It was kind of awkward because he was just watching me without saying a word. " Well eh. Nice to meet u Ethan. Have a good evening " I say while going back to my table. " I will" I hear him say jokingly as i walk away.
Authors note
I originally had over 2000 words for this chapter so I split it into 2 chapters! Enjoy.

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