Chapter four

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I return to our table and see the girls gossiping and talking about a lot of things. As the night continues we get pretty drunk and dance a lot. Ethan and I locked eyes a few times over the night. The girls and I were dancing for hours, I was pretty tired and thirsty so Yade and I return to our table. She had ordered a cuba libre for herself and a double whisky for me. I really love whisky. We sat down and talked, the other girls joined us for a drink. I look at my watch and it was 23:55. All of the sudden I see the bartenders pull up with an expensive bottle to our table with fire pieces and everything. Ophelias boyfriend standing right next to the bottle and singing happy birthday with the other guys. They brought us the bottle and the bartenders left. The whole club was looking at us because it was such a big deal and I felt kind of uncomfortable. Anyway! I look over at the guys standing with Dylan and see that its just Kirans and Likas boyfriend. They all greeted us.

About thirty minutes later Ophelia Lika and Kiran were dancing to a sexy song with their boyfriends whilst Yade and I just sat at our table chatting and drinking.

Ethans pov
I looked over at Alessias table and noticed her sitting alone with her friend. When I saw her at the gym this morning she looked stunning, but seeing her here again all dressed up was even hotter. I believe in faith and this didnt seem like a coincidence! Twice in one day. I talked to her briefly at the beginning of the evening. I wanted to go up to her to get to know her but she was always with her friends so I was kinda shy. We did lock eyes a few times which I enjoyed a lot. Okay now is my chance. She is only with one more friend. Jj looks at me and gives me a little push " ay mate what are u doing fam u just staring at that girl weirdly" he says. "What I wasnt staring what are u on about lad" I answer fastly with an awkward laugh. I kinda was staring but didnt want to admit it to him.

I look over to Harry, he was hitting it off with a girl but I needed a favor of him. I go up to him, " Harry can I talk to u in private for a minute" I ask. The girls looks weirdly at me and says " That sounds like my cue to get some drinks. Be right back!" " Come on lad, we were about to make out" he says in a frustrating tone. " You can do much better than that, like for example the girl right there" I say whilst pointing at Alessia and the girl she was with. " Who the one with the straight hair?" He asks. " No the one next to her!" I quickly add. " Naah not really my type, wait why?" He asks. I look at him with a frustrating look. " Just do me a solid man, I wanna talk to the girl with the straight hair but she's with her friend." I say. He frowns, " basically u need me to be ur wingman, I dont know man." He pauses. I look at him " Dude u literally just have to talk to her so I can talk to her friend its not that hard and u kinda owe me! Remember when I was ur wingman with that weird girl that liked licking hands" I can see Harry bursting into laughter. " Aight fine lets go" he says. I quickly grab the first four drinks I could find on our table and make my way to theirs. I was kinda nervous.

Alessias pov
I could tell Yade was a bit sad. I asker her about it and she said it was nothing and just changed the subject. I'm positive she's sad because the others are with their boyfriends and we don't even have one. I dont actually mind I like flying solo, I kinda have to for my job. But Yade she isn't made for the single life. As I try to cheer her up I see Ethan and a friend he was with approaching us. " Wait what? Are they coming towards us?" I ask Yade. She looks up and before she could even say anything they approached our table. " How you doing ladies" I hear the friend say. He takes a seat next to Yade and Ethan comes sitting next to me. He sat pretty close next to me and sticks out his hand to offer me a drink. "How do I know u didn't spike it" I say grinning. He laughs. I like his laugh it sounds attractive. He switched our drinks and gives me his. " Now u know it isnt spiked. I wouldn't spike my own drink, would I?" he says while laughing. This guy is funny. I just accept the drink without losing eye contact and take a sip.

We were just sitting next to each other talking for hours about our lives, about working out. About everything. Sometimes i'd look at Yade to see how she is doing. I think she likes him. After a while I notice them making out and I laugh. Ethan looks at what i'm looking at and starts laughing too. " Well they're hitting it off, to think that he didn't even wanna come over here" he says. I look at him with a serious look " Wait what do u mean with that". His eyes widen as I asked that question. He starts laughing. " I kinda asked him to be my wingman because I wanted to talk to you" he says still laughing. We were both pretty drunk so I just started laughing with him. I liked talking to Ethan he seemed like a great guy and I was really enjoying myself.

He talked passionately about his job. I just looked at him the whole time with a big smile. He also talked about the other "sidemen" I didn't really know who they were but the guy Yade was with was Harry. When he asked about my job I just told him I work for the government, I didn't want to lie to him but I also didn't want to tell him the full truth. He also asked for my phone number, I didn't really want to give him my number as only my closest friends and family have my number and I was pretty sure this was just turning out to be a one night stand. I quickly change the subject, he looked a bit sad but I just kept talking.

Whilst I was talking he put his arm around my shoulder and kept it there. I liked the feeling of him touching me. I look at the dance floor and see Harry and Yade dancing and grinding. I still didn't really think anything about me and Ethan, I could see me having sex with him, and thats it, we kinda come from different worlds. But I think this will probably turn out as an one-night stand. Ophelia, Kiran and Lika were just on the dance floor the whole time with their boyfriends. I could tell they were having fun.

I take a quick glance at my watch it was around 3:30, I was surprised. "Woah I can't believe we've been talking for over 3 hours!" I say. He looks at his phone and looks surprised as well "Time flies when ur having fun I guess" he laughs. I was still pretty drunk we kept ordering refills of our drinks and I really wanted to kiss him. I move a bit closer to his face while he said that. He looks me in the eyes and smiles, he lovingly started to caress my cheek. We slowly began moving our faces closer to each other, my lips were almost 2 inches apart from his. I put my hands around his neck. He leaned in more and when our lips almost touched we were interrupted by a girl " Excuse me!" I heard an annoying voice say.

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