The Lewd Goddess Of Death

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Your P.O.V

You:"Holy shit you're Anubis?!"
You exclaim as you stare at the voluptuous form of the supposed Jackal God...or goddess it seems,
Which made you feel many different confusing feelings.

Anubis:"yes... I am Anubis the Goddess of Death,
Now bow to me mortal!"
The deity of death suddenly demanded in a booming godlike voice which caused your ears to ring slightly,

You:"ok then... Guess I'm deaf now..."

Anubis:"no you aren't, Now bow mortal."
The goddess once again demanded with a slight growl in her voice,

You:"uh... Yeah no... I don't think that's happening."
You respond to which the Jackal Goddess seemed to be slightly angered by this,

Anubis:"you dare defy me mortal?!"
She exclaimed once more,
Her anger expressing itself a little more.

You:"hehe... You know your kinda cute when your angry."

Anubis:"w-wait what?!"
The Jackal asked as she suddenly lost her angry godlike demeanor to for a more flustered one,

Anubis:"i-i mean..."
Anubis said as she cleared her throat to finish her sentence.

Anubis:"many of you mortals have considered me to be... Cute,
Now I'd like you to-"
Before Anubis could finish her sentence she suddenly seemed to get distracted by something outside.

You:"Anubis... You alright?"
You ask the Jackal Goddess as she grew quiet while staring out the window,
Before you could say anything else she walked over to your balcony door and opened it before walking out,
You follow her out there before you noticed that she was staring at the city which was being heavily rained on due to the storm.

You:"Anubis... Are you ok?"
You ask the Goddess Of Death to which she doesn't respond due to being distracted by the rain.

Anubis eventually responded after a moment of watching the heavy raindrops come down.

You:"uh... Yeah, have you... Never seen rain before?"

Anubis:"what... Of course i have, it's simply... It's been centuries since i've last seen it..."

You:"oh well do you, want to go to the roof... You can actually feel the rain there?"
It was an odd question to ask a Goddess such as herself,
But she seemed to get very excited over this.

You:"heh... Alright then... Just follow me Anubis."
You say as you walk towards the front door and open it.

Somehow getting Anubis to the roof was actually easier than expected,
Absolutely no one was outside of their apartments,
That just sounds like lazy writing in a poorly written fanfiction to me.
(Did i just make fun of myself?)
Once you and Anubis got to the roof you opened the door,
Before you could do anything to keep the door open Anubis suddenly rushes past you outside onto the rooftop where the jackal goddess smiles to herself as she stands still to embrace the rain,
You smile at the sight as you place a cinder block down to keep the door from closing and trapping you either of you on the roof.

Anubis:"... It feels so nice..."
You heard Anubis mutter to herself as she lowers her arms and stands there,
Her black fur being matted down by the heavy rainfall giving it a light sheen in the process.

After a moment Anubis looked down at a puddle and smiled before kicking it causing the water to splash in the direction she kicked,
Anubis's smile grew and she started giggling as she started playing around with the puddles on the ground
'She must really love the rain.'
You thought to yourself as you watched the jackal goddess play around in the rain like a child,
But as the saying goes,
All good things must come to an end,
Anubis eventually stopped giggling to herself as the rain suddenly started to slow down but she didn't lose that beautiful smile,
Instead she looked over to you with small tears in her eyes and she said two words.

My Goddess Of Death AnubisWhere stories live. Discover now