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Your P.O.V

Months passed, the days have oddly enough seemed to have gone by in a flash. It was almost funny how things seemed to have gotten into a new form of normal as quickly as they did, especially considering how you now lived with the literal embodiment of death. Anubis had been very lovely company within your small, two bedroom apartment.

Though as of late, Anubis seemed to be almost more distant than usual. While you understood that with certain topics she wasn't all that open about, You figured this out the day you brought up the question of her wife she was known for having in Egyptian mythology, Anput, if you recall correctly.
You weren't really sure, all you could remember of that day was that she almost seemed to shut down momentarily when you asked her that, afterwards she got angry at you before she stormed off and locked herself away in your office. You made sure not to ask her those sorts of questions again.

But this wasn't that sort of distance, she hardly talked to you, save for asking for small favors or simply questioning things she got curious about, past all that she practically gave you the cold shoulder at every opportunity, you couldn't really understand why Anubis was so cold towards you, though you did make the assumption that it had something to do with you lying to her about the dream you had involving...


You wanted to tell her. But it was like something in you was telling you not to, like there was a voice, constantly whispering in your ear and telling you not to tell Anubis anything... As much as it pained you, you knew you couldn't tell her anything.
Not yet at least.

And speaking of problems...
Tonight was your annual office party and for a lack of better words, you weren't thrilled, not one. Little. Bit. In fact you would've much rather stayed home with Anubis tonight and watched a movie, but no, your job was on the line so you knew you had absolutely no other choice but to go. 'this is stupid...' you thought to yourself with annoyance as you looked at yourself in the mirror, in order to properly tie your usual work tie around your neck, the thought had occurred of you hanging yourself with it... But it was mainly a thought to amuse yourself and maybe lighten up your rather dreary mood.

You:"aaaaaaaaand, finished." You said to yourself as you finished tying the tie, taking one final glance in the mirror to make sure it didn't look wrinkled or anything before you nodded to yourself and turned to head out of your bedroom and into the living room.

Once out the first thing you see is Anubis, laying her body on her side with her head held up by her hand as she watches TV on the couch. At first she didn't seem to acknowledge your presence, but as soon as you made your way over into the dining room to pick up your keys the goddess cleared her throat, quickly catching your attention and causing you to look at her curiously,

Anubis:"where are you going off to at such an hour of the night?" Anubis asked, bringing her head up off of her hand as she sat up on the couch, her eyes never leaving your direction as she waited for you to answer.

You:"it's that stupid business party thing..." You replied, rubbing the back of your head ever so slightly while sighing, Anubis seemed to become more curious about your answer, perhaps your body language didn't exactly tell her you were too thrilled for this event, she most certainly wouldn't have been wrong but you really didn't want to bother her.

Anubis:"enjoy yourself then." The jackal simply muttered in response as she laid back down in her side before resting her head on her hand once again.

You sighed softly from Anubis's behavior, afterall you were a little used to it by now, considering the past few months have been and all. Once you finished your thought you picked up your car keys before you began to walk to the front door, but you didn't even make it to the front door before an idea hit you, perhaps something that'll get Anubis to act like she did in the first few days you met her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2022 ⏰

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