I Was... Dreaming?

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Anubis P.O.V - Years Ago


You've always loved mornings. The morning sun shining brightly through the almost transparent white curtains that covered the windows of the palace, the calm silence that filled the almost empty halls, the only sound being heard throughout the entirety of the structure being that of the wind blowing through at a calming volume.

You never really understood why it was mornings that brought you this sense of calm, perhaps it was the only time of day where your duties and responsibilities never plagued you as much as they did, the only time of day where you felt… at peace.
… That peace never lasted however, no matter how hard you prayed to Ra for it to always remain this way.


?:"Lady Anubis, the pharaoh has requested your presence in the throne room." A voice called out from the other side of the large set of doors that stood at the center of your bedroom,
You groaned. 'I'm not in the mood for this again.', you thought to yourself with annoyance, a soft audible sigh escaping from your mouth as you stood up from your bed, quickly taking a moment to slip on your rather revealing outfit, one that would most certainly not be fit for a goddess of your standards, before you turned and walked out to the bedroom doors, opening them up with a large scowl plastered on your face.

Anubis:"And what, may I ask, is so important that I must be bothered at this time?" You asked, your gaze immediately turning downward at the smaller palace servant, eyes narrowing as you did.
The servant froze up upon seeing your demeanor, his eyes widening slightly from the very sight of you.

?:"l-like I said… the pharaoh wished to have a word with y-you my Lady." The servant nervously stuttered in response, simply leaving you to roll your eyes in annoyance at this before you simply… disappeared in front of the servant, immediately reappearing in the pharaoh's throne room.

Anubis:"You summoned me?" You said as soon as you appeared, taking a moment to have a glance around at the familiar setting of the throne room, the decorations of the room while certainly grand by mortal standards, weren't all that impressive compared to what you had at your palace.

Pharaoh:"My lady." The man at the pharaoh's throne had said, simply getting up from his seat before bowing before you, a sign of respect, these mortals always thought they had to show some signs of respect towards you. You never had an issue with it, more attention than you had when you were back at your palace… all alone with no one aside from-

Pharaoh:"I apologize for the… disturbance but I wanted to discuss tonight's event." The pharaoh had said unknowingly interrupting your thoughts about your sad life… you didn't want to be rude about it however, that simply wasn't how you were.

Anubis:"An event?" You asked curiously, clear confusion in your voice as you wondered what event the pharaoh was talking about, considering the fact you were never informed of any sort of event within the past few days.

Pharaoh:"Yes, it is a surprise event for you my goddess." He responded, smiling slightly as once again made a bowing gesture, "I did not want to spoil the surprise, where would the fun in that be?" He asked with a small chuckle… you simply listened to the Pharaoh for a moment before you simply nodded your head in response to that,

Anubis:"That is understandable, I cannot wait for the festivities then." You said with a small smile of your own, before you turned and began to walk out from the throne room.

Pharaoh:"Neither can I… lady Anubis." The pharaoh would say to himself once you were gone... A smirk slowly growing onto he face as plans of the night's events seemed to have already been falling into place.


You awaken with a gasp, your hand instinctively moving to your chest as you attempt to catch your breath from the sudden jolt of being awakened from… dream?
'I was… dreaming? I fell asleep?' you questioned yourself, finding surprise in the fact you fell asleep after all these years…

'... How odd.' you thought to yourself as you slowly rested your body back onto the humans couch, sighing softly to yourself as you managed to regain your usual composure, questions beginning to flood your mind… the main one being.

Anubis:"what is happening to me…?"

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