Where Do You Want To Go?

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Your P.O.V

When you woke up the next morning you couldn't but groan at the major fucking headache you were experiencing,
"Maybe drinking last night wasn't such a good idea...nah it totally was,
Though that was a weird dream."
You thought to yourself as you remember the events of the day before to which you only thought was a dream.
You chuckle to yourself before you suddenly heard the sound of the TV playing something,
"What the hell did I leave the TV on?"
You questioned yourself as you slowly flutter your eyes open to see the same odd sight of the Egyptian god Anubis.
You questioningly look at the weird sight of the apparent goddess watching TV,
You mentally scream at yourself as the jackal goddess suddenly noticed that you were awake.

Anubis:"Ah you are awake, good morning Anonymous."
Anubis said with a friendly smile on her face.

You:"uh...mornin' Anubis..."
You said to the jackal goddess and her smile widened slightly.
The way she smiled at you it was,
You couldn't really put it into words at how beautiful Anubis looked at the morning light shined through a nearby window and onto her jet black fur,
And the way those crimson red eyes looked at you with the most calm and friendly manner, it coul-

Anubis:"Anonymous, are you alright?"
She asked with a slightly concerned tone as she noticed the blush on your face.

You:"o-oh yeah I'm fine...just woke up y'know?"
You responded with a slightly nervous chuckle.
Anubis let out an adorable chuckle as well before speaking,

Anubis:"actually...I would not know,
I haven't slept in centuries."
She said in a slightly embarrassed tone with her own nervous chuckle.
You were about to say something back but it's interrupted by Anubis's stomach letting out a low hungry growl,
She looked at her stomach for a moment before giving you an embarrassed smile with another small nervous laugh.

You asked in a teasing tone to which Anubis simply nodded slightly,
You let out a small laugh before getting up from the couch, stretching, and walking towards the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen you look around in the pantry for the right stuff to make coffee,
Luckily you found everything required and you immediately began to make youself a cup.
As the coffee was getting ready you decided to use that time to start making breakfast for you and Anubis,

You:"hmm, pancakes maybe?"
You ask yourself as you look through the fridge for everything required for making pancakes,
After while Anubis came into the kitchen and curiously watched you make the pancakes.

You:"everything alright?"
You asked the Jackal goddess and she seemed to snap out of some sort of trance,

Anubis:"oh yes, I'm fine, I was curious as to what you were making."
She responded before she noticed that coffee that was being made.

You:"want some?"
You curiously ask Anubis as you noticed her looking at the coffee,
She seemed to think about it for a moment before nodding slightly,
You smile at her just as the coffee finishes getting ready and you take a small break from making the pancakes to grab two cups from a cabinet,
Once done you poured a cup of coffee for yourself and Anubis then you give the goddess her cup.
She looked at the cup for a moment before taking a small sip and almost instantly her face made a disgusted expression.

You:"is...it bad?"
You asked curiously and Anubis tried to give you an assuring smile,

Anubis:"your coffee making skills are impressive Anonymous but...I've never really been all that fond of it."
She replied with a nervous chuckle,

My Goddess Of Death AnubisWhere stories live. Discover now